
Well Known Member
Well, I'm finally back at home after a month-long, multi-faceted flying adventure, which included a bit over 4,000 miles of RV flying, the first Oshkosh for my boys and me, two air races, 5 formation hops, a J-3 Cub flight, a Pitts flight, with two working airline trips and a 5 day block of airline training in Dallas...with a PC!

As Arnold said in Terminator 2, "I need a vacation!" (Austrian accent)

My feet and be-hind are flat, my wallet is quite a bit thinner, and my RV grin is more than a mile wide!!

But enough about me...I want to tell y'all about:


This'll be a 2 part post, as I have a couple more than 10 pics to post.

First let me say that Tom Martin and family, Gary Wilcox and a cast of many put on an absolutely wonderful event in a totally beautiful setting. We all know a ton of work went into this Tom and Gary, and we all want you to know how much fun we had and how much we appreciate your efforts!

The adventure began for various racers in a variety of locations from Canada to Delaware to Texas to Reno, and all over. Many of us met up in Fremont, Ohio (14G) to launch for St. Thomas Ontario. Here's a shot of Mark Frederick (F1Boss on VAF) leading 4 of us across the border and over Lake Erie. Pictured between Mark and I is Mike Thompson, Sport Air Racing League Grand Puba in his RV-6:


After all of our preps and a bit of angst about not dorking up the customs notifications (electronic and telephone), the flight plan filing (we filed as a flight of 4) and the arrival procedures in Canada...it turned out to be just about as easy as it could be. We cleared via phone with an agent, and even though a couple folks forgot to make the pre-departure call, we breezed through Customs...and we didn't have to bail anyone out of an RCMP gulag (they don't have those by the way!)

Here we are milling about the ramp just after clearing Customs:


And here's my son Matt, very excited to be in Canada!!


A few of us then flew the course once for practice, and then recovered a mile north of St. Thomas (CYQS) at Tom's Fairlea Farm grass strip. Its one of the prettiest little grass strips you'll ever see, nestled between his barn and his corn and bean fields. Definitely the nicest grass runway I've ever landed on!


We parked in front of Tom's Barn (left, where the big after race party was held) and his hangar (right, where we had about 10 RVs and Rockets parked each nite). It was just a very cool scene!


The next morning was a mid-overcast kinda day, with very light winds...perfect for racing! We had over 20 racers, in one of the most varied fields I've seen at a SARL race!


Yep, we had a Sonex and a Seaplane...and every RV model was represented...RV-4, RV-6, RV-7, RV-8, RV-9 and RV-10...that may be a first time for that too!

Here's Mark F. sporting his "on-fire" race shirt, and schmoozing with the head timer and our race sign up crew (Tom's sons). Some guys will do anything for a knot (or three, eh!)


The preflight briefing, with Race Host Tom Martin giving the overall brief, flanked by head timer Ed Perl and Co-Race Director Gary Wilcox, who gave the detailed race/turn brief.


The race went off without any major hitches at all. Everyone ran quite well, and Tom Martin smoked the field in his amazing Rocket! Mark and I battled it out as usual, and this time he ran his IO-550 at full RPM for the first time in a race. He started behind me, due to a suspect GPS so he could follow me (just in case). But he pulled out all the stops and passed me! I chased him from then on, even calling him back on course twice (once to make him jink at turn 5, so I could gain a little back, and once to keep him from making a late play at turn 6 and filling my windscreen with an F1 Rocket planform). I did wait till I could close a little though, and the run to the finish was really fun! If anyone from the race committee or specator group has any pics of the finish, I'd really like to see those...I saw a lot of flashes as I went by the barn! Wayne Hadath, who started ahead of us, did a mulligan 360 at the start and turned in behind Mark for a restart...I figured he wanted to pass me too...but I was able to hold him off (whew!) I know there was other fun happening in the other classes, but I'll let others chime in with their experiences. We recovered at St. Thomas, and had the post race BBQ and awards ceremony (can ya pick out the Texans?!):


Here's Mike anouncing the finish results...winners each and every one, all rewarded with a great time, great burgers, and a nice set of 4 engraved beer mugs!


Just a couple more pics to share, so post 2 will be shorter. More to follow...

GCAR part 2

After the BBQ shown above, Tom and crew were not done hosting parties! We all repositioned back to his farm, and preps for the Barn party ensued. We all pitched in and set up the stage for the band, the picnic tables and the food tables (a LOT of food tables!) Everything was moved inside, as rain was headed our way. Mike Thompson, who missed OSH this year, decided to make up for it and camped next to his airplane both nights (I think he grabbed a couch the second night though, due to the rain).


Tom and clan hosted over 150 guests at the Barn Party, and there was just a ton of food and beer, and the band played on for a long time into the night. In this pic, you'll notice all gals dancing...while the boys were showing each other and local folks their airplanes next door in the hangar. The guys got out there at times and cut a rug as well...but when there are airplanes to look at and speed mods to discuss...weeeellllllllll....ya know!


The next day had some lower clouds and vis, so we enjoyed a morning of chatting out by the barn as the weather lifted, then Mark, Mike and I blasted off as a flight for Sandusky, OH (KSKY) to clear customs. The east coast guys had to wait a bit for the weather (that brought us the rain) to clear to the east. Here are Mark and Mike clearing Customs at SKY:


We made sure all the phone calls and eAPIS filings were done right, and customs clearance coming back was also quick and easy. It'll be a piece of cake next year, and anyone that is considering a trip to GCAR 2...don't let customs scare ya off. The relatively small effort to make it happen was SO worth the experience!!

After SKY, Mike and Mark launced for Tejas via Memphis, and Matty and I hit Dubuque, IA for lunch, and overnighted in Mitchell, SD (where the Airventure Cup started). We had steaks with Terri and Todd, the Wright Brothers Aviation owners, and blasted off the next day for Reno, via Lander, Wyoming.

All in all it was much more than a fantastic adventure...absolutely priceless! I hope even more of the VAF gang can "invade" to the north next year...you won't be sorry!

Thanks again to Tom and all for a truly spledid event!!

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What - hockey sticks are declarable?

Bob, Pat wants a writeup for Fly Low from me. How can I top this?
Good summary.
that was a great three days !! I am very happy you made the trip.
All I got to say is......Alan, I found my 2 two knots...............:D
next year for sure

Sure looks like a great time was had. Tom, and guys, if you do it again next year count me in.

Bob, thanks for the write up and photos. I knew I was missing something good and reading and seeing the pics makes it even better.

CM race 34
Nice article; I think you really captured the spirit of the weekend. I really do appreciate the efforts that you guys made to come to our event. We had 12 brand new racers and they are still talking about what they are going to do different the next time! There still some more SARL races this year and new participants are always welcome. Come and join the fun.
Did Matt manage to smuggle the hockey stick home?

Two kids' hockey sticks and two pucks (courtesy of our host Tom's stash) made it all the way to Reno...and amazingly, there are no broken windows at our home...yet! :eek:

What - hockey sticks are declarable?

Bob, Pat wants a writeup for Fly Low from me. How can I top this?
Good summary.

I actually told the US Customs Officer about them when he asked "anything to declare". He just shrugged...probably not a hockey fan! ;)

Use any and all of the write up you like Mike...no copyright issues here! Somehow I think you'll make it even better!

that was a great three days !! I am very happy you made the trip.
All I got to say is......Alan, I found my 2 two knots...............:D

Gary...did you lose some knots...glad you found them...where were they hiding? :p Actually, you outta 'splain that one...and I'd love to know if you found a secret to two more knots (PMs are OK, of course! :D)

Sure looks like a great time was had. Tom, and guys, if you do it again next year count me in.

CM race 34

Ya gotta be there Chris...great stuff! See you in Pagosa?

We had 12 brand new racers and they are still talking about what they are going to do different the next time! There still some more SARL races this year and new participants are always welcome. Come and join the fun.

Pretty addicting stuff...but fun always is! Like Tom said...much fun left in the season! Thanks again Tom!

that was a great three days !! I am very happy you made the trip.
All I got to say is......Alan, I found my 2 two knots...............:D

Wow, 2 extra knots in 4 days-at that rate of improvement you'll be beating all the Rockets in a few weeks! Did you forget to open the ram air?

Guess this means I need to find 3 knots (or more)...
Wow, 2 extra knots in 4 days-at that rate of improvement you'll be beating all the Rockets in a few weeks! Did you forget to open the ram air?

Guess this means I need to find 3 knots (or more)...

i found them in my flight bag, they were still on the tie down ropes !!:)
Wow, 2 extra knots in 4 days-at that rate of improvement you'll be beating all the Rockets in a few weeks! Did you forget to open the ram air?.

Nah...nobody would be that dumb...wait...ahem, nevermind! :eek:

i found them in my flight bag, they were still on the tie down ropes !!:)

No, you didn't...did you? I almost left them in, and forgot to clean the belly...then there was the ram air door thang...someday I'll learn!

And now I need find three knots to keep up with Mark, who gets faster every race! Next time he gets lost I'll let him fly to Nova Scotia! :p
