
Active Member
Louise decided to put me under for elective surgery last weekend and we all think the results will be pretty cool. We replaced the 7-inch G3X PFD and MFD with two touch screens...one large PFD for the pilot and one 7" MFD for the co-pilot. Louise says that with a two-pilot family, both she and Paul will be happier!

The new panel:

The "old" set-up:

The whole process only took about 6 hours of work. About half the time was cutting the new panel insert and cutting the hole on the right side for the little screen, then painting it. The wiring, re-lacing, and re-formating took the remaining time. We were able to preserve most of our setting, although we will go back up and re-set the AOA.

Unfortunately, the completion of the job coincided with a big wind event here so flying will have to wait a few days. However, Louise sat in me for awhile and told me that she very quickly figured out the key actions and interfaces with the new units. All of us are excited for our next cross-country. Paul says I get to go to Sun'n'Fun in April! I hope you come by and check me out.
Hi Mikey, I see you don't let Paul have full controls. That's OK, Louise has the big screen.

Nice Improvement!
G3X Touch Upgrade

Looks nice!
I'm still planning my panel for my RV-9A and had tentatively chosen a 2 or 3 screen G3X like the ones you removed, plus the Garmin A/P, Audio Panel, GTN650, GNC255 with a remote mount transponder.

I must admit I don't have any experience pushing buttons or poking the screen of either the G3X or the G3X Touch.

Perhaps Mikey would enlighten us about the differences between them and the reasons for upgrading to the G3X Touch?
Hi Mikey, I see you don't let Paul have full controls. That's OK, Louise has the big screen.

Nice Improvement!

Oh, Louise lets Paul in the left seat some times. In fact, I expect the trip to SnF will be just Paul and me. Oh, and the stick on the right is already back in. ;-)
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Looks nice!
I'm still planning my panel for my RV-9A and had tentatively chosen a 2 or 3 screen G3X like the ones you removed, plus the Garmin A/P, Audio Panel, GTN650, GNC255 with a remote mount transponder.

I must admit I don't have any experience pushing buttons or poking the screen of either the G3X or the G3X Touch.

Perhaps Mikey would enlighten us about the differences between them and the reasons for upgrading to the G3X Touch?

Well, the most obvious difference is the increased capacity and the big screen. It integrates more extensively with the GTN650 and gives wireless capability to the iPad. Plus, Louise has been using "touch" on the GTN650 and Paul on several demo planes and both feel pretty favorable towards it. They look forward to making more extensive use and seeing if it holds up to its promise.
And, sectionals!

Messing around with the new system today on the ground, I also noted that the new Touch system has sectional charts in addition to the stripped down, default maps that Garmin has used for years. Very nice! I always like sectionals for VFR flights as they provide so much more information about things like town, river, and mountain names.
6 hours?

I remember being very impressed by how fast the first edition G3X was installed by you guys. Now the new G3X Touch takes you six hours! I believe if you add the two panels updates together, it would be faster than 99% of any panel upgrade done by Rvers. Stein may offer you a job.
I remember being very impressed by how fast the first edition G3X was installed by you guys. Now the new G3X Touch takes you six hours! I believe if you add the two panels updates together, it would be faster than 99% of any panel upgrade done by Rvers. Stein may offer you a job.

Plug and Play Captain.......

And I already offered STEIN a job! :D
Well, the most obvious difference is the increased capacity and the big screen. It integrates more extensively with the GTN650 and gives wireless capability to the iPad. Plus, Louise has been using "touch" on the GTN650 and Paul on several demo planes and both feel pretty favorable towards it. They look forward to making more extensive use and seeing if it holds up to its promise.

Can you explain the more extensive integration with the 650? Does the touch redraw faster when scrolling on the map?
Can you explain the more extensive integration with the 650? Does the touch redraw faster when scrolling on the map?

The Touch redraw's faster in most if not all functions. It apparently was a major horsepower upgrade under the hood. The performance difference is dramatic.

As for integration you have the Connext cockpit connectivity features as well as the yet to be released:

"New COM Tuning Interfaces

Customers have been asking for it, and we're listening! We’ve always supported the ability to send standby frequencies to panel mount radios like the GTR 225 and GNC 255, as well as supporting complete control of the GTR 20 and GTR 200 comm radios. This software release adds support for complete comm radio control for more Garmin panel mount equipment including the GTN series, GTR 225 and GNC 255. This change will let you tune and flip-flop the active and standby comm frequencies, change the volume, and toggle SQ and MON modes on the above radios, all from your G3X Touch display.

Please note a GTN, GTR 225 or GNC 255 software update will also be required and we anticipate those software updates will be available later this year. Additionally, this interface will require a bi-directional RS-232 interface between the unit being tuned and your G3X Touch display. Wiring and configuration guidance will be documented in the next revision of the G3X installation manual. Or feel free to contact us directly at [email protected] if you need immediate guidance for your installation."
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