
Active Member
Having a completed RV-6...$50,000

Having the local DAR inspect your RV
and give you the pink slip!....$480

Having your completed plane setting in the
hanger with the wind blowing 25 m.p.h., 4
inches of snow and wind chills in the single


(obviously taken pre snowfall!)
northern flying

wyoflyer said:
Having a completed RV-6...$50,000

Having the local DAR inspect your RV
and give you the pink slip!....$480

Having your completed plane setting in the
hanger with the wind blowing 25 m.p.h., 4
inches of snow and wind chills in the single

Ouch. And here I am snivelling because I can't go out and turn the Hobbs over to 400.

Wait for a nice day that you can enjoy and have a fun, safe first flight. :)
that is a GREAT lookin' paint job! very nice! :cool:

weather's turnin' here in IL as well. we aren't supposed to get above freezing for the next week or so. :(
Cold in Wyoming


Sure looks great,do not worry, the weather in Wyoming will get better around July.
Take care and have a safe first flight let us know when it flys
After way too much delay caused by weather, work, having to be out of town, and an alternator that wouldn't alternate (jumper wire?....what jumper wire on the voltage regulator????) N356DM quit being a hanger queen and became a real airplane. No problems and everything went just like it should. Thanks to all on the forums for the help.
Even though this is my second 6, it's amazing the questions that still come up for which I have no answers. This thing flies just like my 6A.....only faster!!
Congratulations! Glad you finally got the weather to let you get in the air. It is a beautiful airplane and helps motivate me to keep working on mine.

Where are you in Wyoming? I have a brother in Sheridan and lived there myself for a couple of years. Sure miss the mountains. :(