I thought the young lady did better :p But the grins were the same...You rock Frank..I need to build a -7 next..or maybe an -8

See, we dentists aren't such bad guys after all. Congrats to him on finishing his PPL. He really does need an RV. Hope he joins the crowd here. Nice video. I hope to have my -7A done for OSH next year, but pretty much just straight and level for me (as a group, we can be somewhat conservative ;))
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Looks like it's going to get tougher to get in to see him. He's probably going to be busy building an RV!

Good to see another fellow DDS will hopefully be flying an RV. Keep lighting the fire under him!

You have got to get the audio hooked up to your camera! He didn't look to happy at first but as you came out of the first roll he had a big smile on his face. I so wanted to hear what his reaction to each roll and loop.

BTW, being a DDS he souldn't have a problem building and RV. Afterall, he already knows how to use a drill and other cool power tools. :D
Yeah yeah

I need to get the audio hooked up I know..As to building..as you say, he'll be quite ahppy with the high speed air drill..:)

Very cool vid once again. Did you do the 3G turn by meter or a set bank angle that generates 3G. I still don't have a G meter so curious.
3G turn

Very cool vid once again. Did you do the 3G turn by meter or a set bank angle that generates 3G. I still don't have a G meter so curious.

By meter, its on the Dynon display..It was about a 90 degree turn and some elevator pull

Super flying Frank, and can use the video clip at work. Some of our Ph.D. types at the research lab have been studying head position with bank angle, and this is a perfect example of the difference between aerobatic pilots and non aerobatic pilots. You'll notice that your dentist's head goes in one direction and yours in the opposite direct into the turn or roll. The research project gave me an excuse to mount one the lab mini cameras in my RV-4 during various aerobatic maneuvers. I made a DVD and sent a copy to Groucho for his enjoyment. I have been trying to put it on youtube, but I'm a village idiot with computers. I have one of the lab personnel working on it, but the DVD may be in the wrong format. Anyway, thanks again for a grin even when not flying.
Bill McLean
Very interesting

Thanks Willy,

I looked at more more talented student's vids and your right their heads tilt towards the direction of the roll as does mine...The straight and level types tilt opposite to the roll...Almost like they are trying to stay upright.

Oh youtube is easy...First off you need to set up an account...its free.

Once you have made a video it needs to be stored on your hard drive (WMV and MPEG files work for sure).

Then in Youtube (once you have logged on) there will be a button that says "Upload video"...Then it will give you a box that say s "browse"..

This will enable you to go find your video file on your hard drive.

Pretty self explanatory..But then I don't have a PHD so maybe its easier for me...:)

DVD format

Oh yes the DVD will be in the wrong format.

DVDs are in a "Video Ts" format...You need to load the wideo and see if the windows video editor will allow to import it and then save the file to WMV file or similar format.

Then upload this to youtube

That's the reason I'm letting someone at the lab send in the video to youtube. Besides, I have a slow internet connection. The DVD is about 8 minutes long set to "Stiarway to Heaven" with progressive increases in difficulty of the maneuvers (about 20), pulling +5, -2 Gs, +/- 0.3. That's my personal limit for me and the aircraft. Since we have novice to professional acro types in our forum, would have to repeat THE RULES we don't violate to stay within the aircraft envelop when we finally can get the video posted. SAFETY always comes first.


Well youtube vids must be no longer than 10 minutes and 100mb file size.

So sounds like it will fit ok...I look forward to seeing it posted.

Like you I have +5 and -2.3G's posted on the G meter.

Thanks Willy,

I looked at more more talented student's vids and your right their heads tilt towards the direction of the roll as does mine...The straight and level types tilt opposite to the roll...Almost like they are trying to stay upright.

Wow, never noticed. That is pretty interesting. I suppose that in normal flying it might be best to keep head (eyes) level with the horizon, just like biking or skiing. When going all the way 'round I don't suppose it would matter too much what you do, but fighting it can't be good.
Dentists and homebuilts

Frank: Your dentist may remember the Windecker Eagle, a beautiful airplane built in the early 60's, all from some type of composite that may have been used in dentistry. The aircraft nearly made it to certification, but the dream was cut short due to lack of funds.
Pitts S2A
(working up to intermediate)
A wee bit of a hijack but the fastest RV4 in the solar system was built and belongs to a dentist. ...........Dave Anders :D
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