We anticipate that normal cruise should exceed 300Kmph

If by "300Kmph" they mean 300kph, that's only 187 mph, meh.

If they mean 300 mph, well, that's a thing to give pause. I hope they've done their homework.
If the text is correct, they stretched it more than 3 feet. And for some strange reason, the photos include a rear cockpit with a placard that says "Passengers Prohibited" and "Aerobatics Prohibited".
I normally try not to ask why someone would build a plane the way they did. In this case it's kind of tough. You still have a 160-kt two-seat tandem (apparently), it's just longer and heavier and has a bigger engine. More fuel for transoceanic flights? More room for a really tall person?

I'd love to hear what would motivate someone to go to the enormous time and expense it must have taken to build this. I'm sure there's an interesting story there.
If the text is correct, they stretched it more than 3 feet. And for some strange reason, the photos include a rear cockpit with a placard that says "Passengers Prohibited" and "Aerobatics Prohibited".

Perhaps that's only there while it's going through the first couple flights and tests.
And for some strange reason, the photos include a rear cockpit with a placard that says "Passengers Prohibited" and "Aerobatics Prohibited".

Perhaps that's only there while it's going through the first couple flights and tests.

In Canada there is a process you have to go through to remove the aerobatic prohibition. Also, no passengers are allowed for the first 25 hours.
If the text is correct, they stretched it more than 3 feet. And for some strange reason, the photos include a rear cockpit with a placard that says "Passengers Prohibited" and "Aerobatics Prohibited".

The "Passengers Prohibited" placard is mandatory in Canada until the flight test phase is complete. The "Aerobatics Prohibited" placard is required in Canada until the aircraft starts the formal process to obtain aerobatics approval.
If by "300Kmph" they mean 300kph, that's only 187 mph, meh.

If they mean 300 mph, well, that's a thing to give pause. I hope they've done their homework.

Back of the envelope physics tells me that max speed increases with the square root of the increase of the thrust so the 215hp spec makes me think think 300kph is correct.
If by "300Kmph" they mean 300kph, that's only 187 mph, meh.

If they mean 300 mph, well, that's a thing to give pause. I hope they've done their homework.

On the other hand, if they really mean 300Kmph, that's very impressive.

I seem to recall the SR71 set a transcontinental speed record from LA to D.C. in roughly an hour which is pretty impressive.

At 300kmph the trip would take just under 28 seconds. In calm winds.
Delta V = cube root(HP)

Back of the envelope physics tells me that max speed increases with the square root of the increase of the thrust so the 215hp spec makes me think think 300kph is correct.
You are right about that. Speed increase is square root of thrust increase, so it is the cube root of HP increase. So, adding HP is an expensive way to increase speed. But, it can be impressive.
Images of the RV8S

After full flight testing and receiving its COA from Transport Canada the aircraft was shipped to Hervey Bay Australia and is currently completing its CASA COA. :)
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Shreck just might have been right

I normally try not to ask why someone would build a plane the way they did. In this case it's kind of tough. You still have a 160-kt two-seat tandem (apparently), it's just longer and heavier and has a bigger engine. More fuel for transoceanic flights? More room for a really tall person?

I'd love to hear what would motivate someone to go to the enormous time and expense it must have taken to build this. I'm sure there's an interesting story there.

To quote Shreck ... the hollywoood Shreck that is, " Do you suppose he might be trying to compensate for something?" :D

Maybe he flew Corsair's or Spitfires and missed not seeing the runway.

All in good humor. In reality that had to be a lot of work, time and money.

It should get above 20,000 Feet very quickly, as long as it does not freeze over a fuel tank vent.
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It looks like there are two baggage doors up front. The front cockpit looks to be normal sized so he did not stretch it to get more room in front. Vents on the side of the cowl sort of like Bonanzas. Throttle on wrong side but to each their own.

It would be great to get the builder on the forum to tell us about it.
It was built to export to Australia, they drive on the wrong side too. :)
That explains why my -9 is flown PIC from the right seat! :D

I really have to wonder about building it in Canada to register it down here though. Then again, I built my -9 and flew it under RAAus for a year before attempting to get it registered with CASA, and I am failing miserably in trying to get a CoA now... :mad: