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Page 29-08. Step 1
F-0412L contacts lower longeron assembly.


The longeron doubler has a flange that is not shown in figure 3

Do I have the wrong doubler?
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I think the reason the flange is not shown is because it bends the other way and is not visable.
I think you have the doublers mixed up between left and right.
Not the answer that I wanted, but that would explain it. Darn, it fit real nice the wrong way. How hard is it to remove the CR3213-4-05 rivets. I am proficient at removing AN470's.
I watched the EAA video and drilled out a few without much trouble. Just go slow, your pieces are not on the fuselage so you should do OK. You need to drill out the lock and then the rest is a piece of cake. Order your rivets now so you will have them as there are no extras with the kit . ACS has them.
I think I will hold off until I talk to support. It seems to me that it would be OK this way with a little trimming of the side frame, but I have heard it said many times that "it is that way for a reason".
I watched the EAA video and drilled out a few without much trouble. Just go slow, your pieces are not on the fuselage so you should do OK. You need to drill out the lock and then the rest is a piece of cake. Order your rivets now so you will have them as there are no extras with the kit . ACS has them.

Thanks Ron, found the video and it will help tremendously.
I removed the rivets and ordered the CR3213's.

The moral to the story is if it doesn't fit, you have something screwed up.

I don't remember the page # right now, but I think the first diagram of the doubler is to show how to separate it from a conjoined piece into two pieces.
On that diagram it identifys the parts as left and right.
Builders should label them L and R to prevent this mistake.
Unfortunately, the text doesn't tell you to label them at the separation step.
I think there is plans for adding that during the next revision interval.
I called Van's for clarification on the same issue (which way the doubler should bend). I do see that it's on the plans, but the clarity of the drawing really isn't that great. Yes, it is there, but I'm sure there will be plenty who will question it when they get to that step, so one more sentence or bit of clarity added to the drawing would be a benefit.

Usually I've found that if I have question, having built one RV, that there are going to be more people with that same question...even if my questions are dumb...which definitely happens to me too.
