
Active Member


Video herehttp://youtu.be/YsFV-GWnrdQ

Thank You Doug and all you Moderators out there! Without the VAF, This wouldn't have been possible!:)
Way to go!!!!

Congratulations JT! Beautiful 1st flight!!

I am really happy to see it fly! Can't wait to see it in person some day!

Congrats on the 1st flight!


Thank you very much for the Blog. Before my build your Blog was one of my "research" sights and helped me pull the trigger. Over the last year while working on my 8 I have visited your Blog probably 3-4 times per week. I also have the James cowl and 4-4 exhaust.

Thanks again for taking the time to document your build. It has been an amazing resource.



Oh what a feeling. It only gets better from here. You were right... without the guys here on VAF, it simply would not be possible.... wouldn't have been for me at least! Good looking airplane you've got there. For the rest of your life you'll be able to pull out this first flight memory, dust it off, and relive it. Way to go!!!

Hey JT,

Been following you site and progress for a while....great stuff and congrats!



Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate the support and feedback.

Brent, we will definitely have to meet up in the near future... Your site is still an inspiration for me.

Scott, you're welcome. The blog has been a lot of fun. I hope to grow it into a real website when things slow down...

Darwin, I have used your feedback on a number of issues, most notably the wingtips.:D

Phase 1 in progress, then the agony of figuring out a paint scheme, ha!