
Well Known Member
Turned 30 hrs today, thought I'd post a few observations/comments on flying the -3. No particular order.
It will indicate 220mph at 3000ft at 2950 rpm, I have the 76" Catto 2 blade
Stall is 50 ias/full flap and 1/2 gas
Climb is 2200fpm average to 10,000
Can get 160mph true at 4.3 gph leaned at 7500 feet, have an Ellison TBI(works great)
Handling is overall very nice,
Aileron feel and roll rates are really nice (especially for a fat non-tapered wing), get the buffet in the ailerons at max deflection, will try glider zig-zag tape on the aileron nose rib (less differential/up deflection would help too), not a major issue except during aerobatics at slow speed. Elevator feel is actually a little heavy for me, but I did shorten the stick a bit to clear the TSPDR under the panel, it lightens up a bit as the CofG moves aft with fuel burn.
Less directionaly stable than I expected, some tail-wagging in turbulence.

Aerobatics are better than I expected really, G-loads are lower than average because of the speed, light wing loading and energy retention. Inverted flight is quite nice and full fwd trim makes it almost hands off ( I have the light prop and battery behind the seat and I did reduce the wing incidence by 1/2 degree). Rarely the need for more than +4g for anything positive and 1/2 outside loops from the bottom take -2.5g. Its 760lbs empty and I'm respecting the 1100lb wt. for aerobatics.
Spins are difficult to enter crisply(for me anyway), and it wants to fly out and spiral to the right. Left spin entries are more consistent but there is considerable buffet felt in the elevator and a healthy push is required for recovery after 3 turns. It will fly the 2010 IAC Sportsman.
I do get the gear/wheel shimmy at slow speed, like Tony S says...just put the stiffeners on.
All of my supplied accessories work excellent...Hooker Ratchet Harness, Vetterman Exhaust, Sabre Prop extension. Catto Prop, B&C SD-8 Alternator, Ellison TBI, Raven Inverted Oil, Grove Wheels and Brakes, Microair Comm, Flight Data Systems G-meter/clock/volts and Fuel flow.

Whats really nice is the performance achieved in terms of speed,economy at reduced pwr, aerobatics and yet the ease of landing...slow approach speeds and excellent vis..landing this thing is a non event.
Keep building !
Very nice numbers

Kudos.... sounds like a wonderful combination of flying qualities. 37 mpg in economy mode...Wow.

Sounds like you are landing nice and slow. Any idea how much error there is in the 50 mph indicated at landing? Van's lists the landing at 350 ft for the 3, way shorter than I've achieved thus far. I'd guess maybe you are somewhere around there if you are landing at 50 mph. Where abouts is your cg when landing?
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Sounds like you have your required 25 hours flown off; how are you getting along getting your final flight permit? :)
I'm using much more than the Van's 350 feet for landing also.
I'm over the numbers decelerating thru 70mph but still getting considerable float if I start holding it off for a 3 point. I believe its the prop still producing considerable thrust, I've reduced the idle rpm which helps considerably but much less than 800 on the ground is a little lumpy...light prop, 160hp...not much flywheel. The course prop also costs during the climb since the best rates are between 110 and 120mph due to rpm/horsepower. Lower speeds reduce the rpm/horspower...its all about compromise.

Did the 25 hrs, got the flt. authority for the aerobatic demonstration, did that, then got the final flight authority. Good to go...did Hanover for lunch yesterday
I do believe it was you that did my first inspection on my 7. Nice to see you flying, I am sure we will meet up soon....somewhere in Ontario.