
Active Member
Well things sure can change quickly. I have been diagnosed with a disqualifying medical condition called Opthalmic Migraine also known as Migraine with Aura or Visual Migraine.

This condition causes the vision in one or both eyes to 'pixelate' really pretty colors blocking the normal vision capability of the eye.

So... with no hope of a medical, coupled with the fact that I wouldn't want to be flying when the symptoms appear, I am forced into selling my 7A project. Ironically I ordered the finishing kit a few months ago. The project is past the quick build stage through the fuselage. I will need to get all the figures together, but I will be posting a classified ad here for the sale of the project.

I also have a brand new ECI engine kit I will be selling. At the time I thought I was smart for getting the kit ahead of time. Who knew?

At any rate, it sure has been great being a part of the Vansairforce community. I learned an awful lot from you fine people and can't quite articulate how valuable this forum is.

Thanks for hearing me out.

so sorry to hear of your medical problem. Let's hope you're
able to heal and perhaps pick up where you left off!
Best regards
That's tough Jim

My heart goes out to you. Is Light Sport a possibility?

I am a Black Tornado, back when that was all you could be. So, without saying, you Southern Oregon boys are tough and always land on your feet.

All the best.
Sorry to hear it.

But building is still good therapy. Since you have lots of the stuff, keep on building and sell it completed or who knows maybe a medical breakthrough will allow you to fly it.
My heart goes out to you. Is Light Sport a possibility?

@ the OP... it does sound like something that would make flying at all a difficult to be safe with task. My heart goes out to you for having to abort this...

However...curious which type of migraine you have? (this page http://www.relieve-migraine-headache.com/eye-migraines.html seemed to have the most described together) For some types, it seems there are fairly effective treatment options (from B vitamins to powerful drugs...my cousin just found a set that work really well for "normal" ones). In short, do you have any options that could make you safe, or more medical investigation that could be done?

Or...any remote possibility you have someone (like a wife) that would be interested in becoming your PIC? :)

All the best, however it works out.
I would like to thank all of you for your kind words and thoughts. It just proves yet again what a great group of people are here.

I don't think I will ever give up hope that something can be done medically for this thing I have, the realist in me says the chances are small. However, since denial is not just a river in Egypt, who knows. Maybe LSA a number of years down the road if this condition ceases to exist. All I know is if I was flying yesterday when it happened again, it would not have been pretty.

Thanks again for the kind words and encouragement.

sorry to hear this. Hardly seems fair, hang in there, keep building, it is good therapy and will sell for much more completed.

Things do change.
Don't rush

I have found that most things are usually not as bad as they seem at first.

As a builder, you have established yourself as an achiever and as one who can overcome problems. If possible, take a couple of weeks or a month and think about your alternatives. Maybe get a few 'second opinions' about the causes of the problem, etc.

You may find that stress is the culprit and if you can reduce or eliminate stress, you may have solved your medical problem. Get a really good doctor who specializes in the field of migraines,stress, etc.

Hope that this helps. As others have said, you have time and alternatives. Don't sell yourself short. You can make some good and well informed choices.
Unfortunately, these migraines are many times random. The stress issue is not common amongst my migraine patients. And there are certainly times flying where stress WILL occur, so it is not a simple matter of "avoiding stress". And to Rick, yes, there are prophylactic drugs out there (anti-seizure meds, some anti-hypertensives like calcium channel and beta blockers, and even the antidepressant amitriptyline) that can help prevent these, but it is VERY rare that they stop completely. I have seen that happen only once in 13 years in practice. It is similar to seizures - we can control them, but we can not cure them and guarantee they will never happen. It is that one time during a critical juncture in flight that could prove deadly. Highly unlikely, but enough to make the gamble understandably prohibitive with the feds.
Really tough break - I feel for you.

I have found that most things are usually not as bad as they seem at first.

As a builder, you have established yourself as an achiever and as one who can overcome problems. If possible, take a couple of weeks or a month and think about your alternatives. Maybe get a few 'second opinions' about the causes of the problem, etc.

You may find that stress is the culprit and if you can reduce or eliminate stress, you may have solved your medical problem. Get a really good doctor who specializes in the field of migraines,stress, etc.

Hope that this helps. As others have said, you have time and alternatives. Don't sell yourself short. You can make some good and well informed choices.
Have you considered flying with another pilot who can take over in an emergency situation? May be better than not flying at all

1)And after your hours are flown off on your Rv at least you could get to enjoy some of the fruits of your many hours building.

2)your resale value will be worth more if completed most of the time.
The crappy part of this type of migraine, as it relates to aviation, is that the aura (visual disturbance) is the initial symptom, with no prior warning.

On the other hand, this warning gives the sufferer opportunity to take an abortive type medication that can prevent the subsequent pain period.
Have you considered flying with another pilot who can take over in an emergency situation? May be better than not flying at all

I think this is a reasonable alternative and may be better than throwing the towel in altogether. Your eye condition is certainly debilitating and a flight risk, but not to the extent that other medical conditions might be. If you happened to have an ocular migraine in flight, another pilot could take over during that time. It's not like a cardiac arrest in that it would create an emergency situation and chaos in the cockpit. I think it's worth investigating with the FAA if the idea of having another pilot with you doesn't sound too invasive.
At any rate, it sure has been great being a part of the Vansairforce community.

And we certainly hope you continue as a member. If you go LSA the -12 is a fun plane to build, you can be flying in less than a year.

Good luck, and best wishes for your health.
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A close friend had several episodes of this quite a few years ago. He grounded himself, and after a year or so, they went away on their own. I don't think he ever took anything for them (and probably did not report them.) He resumed flying after a year or so with no episodes and I don't think had any more. Can't ask as he died in a non-flying accident. I know this is only one example, but it may be something to consider. I go with the "build on" crowd. And best of luck!

Bob Kelly
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this post.

After getting over the initial shock of this condition, I started reading everything I can get my hands on concerning it. The general concensus in the medical community is that certain 'triggers' can be responsible for the onset of it. One trigger could be food or food chemicals. It also lists stress, fatigue, and hunger.

After learning about this, it seems the most logical course of action to take is try and identify if any of the listed issues are the cause. So... I am going to attempt to do so.

I thank you all for your valuable input. Safe skies to everyone.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this post.

After getting over the initial shock of this condition, I started reading everything I can get my hands on concerning it. The general concensus in the medical community is that certain 'triggers' can be responsible for the onset of it. One trigger could be food or food chemicals. It also lists stress, fatigue, and hunger.

After learning about this, it seems the most logical course of action to take is try and identify if any of the listed issues are the cause. So... I am going to attempt to do so.

I thank you all for your valuable input. Safe skies to everyone.

Spoken like a true pilot. Follow the "checklist" for migraines all the way through. There are so many options available to you. You have come this far on your plane...I wouldn't give that up...if you can still afford the hobby;)! Finish the plane, see where you are at and THEN make a decision. Find someone who specializes in the treatment of migraines and be honest with them about your flying goals and concerns. Look at your doc as a partner in this process. Good luck to you. My heart goes out to you regarding this situation.