
Chief Obfuscation Officer
I have been dragging my feet on closing up the right tank because something has been bugging me, a nagging feeling like I missed something. After several days I gave up an forged on thinking that I was just being overly-cautious. I mean I read the directions over and over, I even made myself a to-do list and everything was crossed off. So last night I mixed up a batch of sealant and installed and sealed the last part of the tank, the access cover.

Flash forward 12 hours, and here I am sitting in my office when out of nowhere it hits me... THE ANTI-HANG-UP DOO-DAD!!! Dagnabbit, I forgot to install that little piece of aluminum between the stiffener and first interior rib called for in the flop-tube modifications... Argh! Ack! :mad:

Alright, nothing a little (or a lot) of MEK and a few pop-rivets won't fix, but still, I was riding high on the feeling that I finally got one tank closed up, but noooooooo, I have to open it up again. At least the sealant should still be relatively easy to remove at this point.

Anyway, just needed to vent. :(

Moral of the story is, if something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't!
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This is eerily familiar territory!! Remember when I put the thick washer in where it didn't belong??? :eek: Tank came open...

Yours will be an easier fix than mine. Remove it, bend the AL, pop it, re-seal, and done deal. :cool:
Chad, I remember reading your log and thinking, "That won't happen to me". :p

I guess we now know what the sealant gods had to say about that! ;)
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Man, where would I be without you two guys...

Chad, your pace is great fro me to ride your bow wave.

Brad, your new house move almost had me catching up, but now the streak of 103+ degree days in Texas allowed me to fall back again.

Reading ahead has helped me so many times already; thanks again for the warnings! :D

RV7Factory said:
Chad, I remember reading your log and thinking, "That won't happen to me". :p

I guess we now know what the sealant gods had to say about that! ;)

Sorry Brad but that is funny! I know the feeling of that nagging little voice. I have both tanks done now except for the access plates. I need to get them in place so I can test in the near future. If it is any consolation I almost forgot the same thing. I had it cut, bent, drilled and everything and remembered it at the last minute. Good luck!
Joe, one thing is for sure, when these tanks are done and tested I will be celebrating by going to the cellar for a GOOD bottle (I know you know what I mean). ;) :D

John, no worries, I am laughing too. If you can't make fun of yourself, and your mistakes, it just isn't worth it IMHO. :p
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Why yes I do; and I agree 100%!!

Just don't spill any on that nice t-shirt you showed on your site... :D

Only 99 in Dallas today, maybe I can get the Proseal to last more than 15 minutes tonight--

Moving Smilies

JohnR said:
Sorry Brad but that is funny! I know the feeling of that nagging little voice. I have both tanks done now except for the access plates. I need to get them in place so I can test in the near future. If it is any consolation I almost forgot the same thing. I had it cut, bent, drilled and everything and remembered it at the last minute. Good luck!

How do you use the animated smilies in a post ?