
Active Member
Hi All,

I have taken the plunge and ordered the RV-12 kit. The Australian $ is very strong vs the US just no so I have ordered all kit components less the engine and avionics.

I'm very much looking forward to starting the build. The tool kit from Cleveland should also be on the way.

The forum is obviously a great resource and I am looking forward to the opportunity to pester all you experienced builders.



Thanks for helping to improve the US balance of trade, and good luck on the build. You'll enjoy the adventure.

Welcome aboard Erik! I spoke to Dave Hastwell yesterday, he's only about 40K's from you!! You will have a great time! Building a "12" is about the most fun you can have with your pants on!!!! :D
Aussie RV12

Congrads Erik good to see another Aussie RV 12 underway, Hope you keep us posted as your building proceeds mate. Hopefully I will join you lucky Boys later this year as its one great Aircraft..! Are you going with RAA Rego Eric?
Cheers Mate John H.
RAA rego it is. Vans have quoted about 8 weeks to dispatch - less one week now. Can't wait to get started.

On the weekend I heard there is a guy building at Murray Bridge airfield where I fly from! I need to track him down. I think his name is Hartley Groecke - not sure of the spelling.


RAA rego it is. Vans have quoted about 8 weeks to dispatch - less one week now. Can't wait to get started.

On the weekend I heard there is a guy building at Murray Bridge airfield where I fly from! I need to track him down. I think his name is Hartley Groecke - not sure of the spelling.


Hey you South Australians are catching on. That's the 3rd 12 I have heard of in as many weeks. Must be the RV 12 bug that got into the Murray River from the eastern states.