pierre smith

Well Known Member
....had the bluest skies I've seen in a long, long time. Team RV did their usual splendid formation with differing patterns and a great time as usual. The B-25, AT-6 and Beech 18 all did fly-byes as well.....lotsa aerobatics and wing walkers.

Lemme see if I remember how to post pics,

Another arrangement


Mark your calendars for the Keith Brock Memorial fly-in on November 8th at the Millen, Ga. airport (2J5). The guys from the Broken Shackle ranch will be cooking the now famous Low Country boil of theirs, with Augusta EAA chapter 172 hosting.

Great look at some different smoke systems....just one question...what system has lead got?:)

That's Mike Stewart in the lead, Danny Kight on the far left and me on the far right. Danny and I have SmokingAirplane.com systems. Mike's system is similar, but he has two injector ports verses our single port. He also has a 13 gallon oil tank built into his left wing, so he can afford to **** out twice as much smoke as the rest of us. Only bad thing about it... the slot aircraft can totally lose sight of lead when they hear "smoke - on"!
Thanks Ron

Thanks for the reply. Everyone looks great, and hopefully someday the buckin' and the cussin' will get me there too....gotta have smoke!:)