
Well Known Member
The Borrowed Horse is in Paint shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Grady at GLO had a cancellation and let me slip in a couple of months early. I AM STOKED!!!!! He Does a great job and I am glad to be in line for his work.
Captain Danny 'Sky' King twisted my arm and has influenced me to do a P 51 scheme. It will be a gray with RED nose, invasion stripes. With Red and White checker rudder ,,, of coarse:
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He might have to put some big tires on Shooter to handle Big Bend.

Shooter has tires to handle landing in the Grand Canyon :D

Which, is part of my dilemma.....I want to complete my -9, but then I see Shooter and want to build a Cub to land at our ranch, and taxi up to the house....then again, I would like to own Jay's C-140.

Gosh, Jay has my entire aviation equation up in the air with his many choices:D

But Jay, thank you! You keep my mind wandering before I place the next big order :p

BTW, awesome news about the paint!

Have a good one,
Thanks Gary


You are only 8 months from flying, since you know me. Get that 9 QB ordered and shiped here. Toni Partain knows my address. We will get you up and flying real quick, and then WE, can start on your BearHawk.
Oh yea, I have an engine you can use too..............
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Borrowed Horse


While no work is truly finished. I am declaring The Borrowed Horse,,,, DONE!!

A Big THANK YOU, to Grady at GLO for a superior paint job.

The wind is supposed to lay off tomorrow. So Doug is meeting me for some air to air 9:00 AM. Danny has jury duty and will not be in the shots. He had a lot of input on the paint scheme. Thanks Danny King. We will do some more soon, and get The Doll in the pics

Jim Vroom installed the Pippen York panel A big thank you to them as well.
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The pictures look GREAT Jay - a very fine piece of work, all around - can't wait to see it up close, but as it is Grady's work, I already know it will be outstanding.

Maybe we need to meet this weekend someplace? Louise will be in town Saturday, ready to fly....



I tried to send you some pics last night but they bounced back.
my e mail is jay-pratt at sbcglobal.net shoot me a test so I have your correct address.

I am heading to Florida Thurs morning and Staniel Cay Exumas Saturday.
We will have to meet after the 12th of March.

ALL RV* builders
There is 2 RV7s and 2 RV8s here that are almost finished. I like RV8s. Bring yours over and let me speed your project up! I can't spend all year in Idaho and the Bahamas;););)
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Nice design!

Looks great! Of course, I love it!:)
The RV-8 builder in me, appreciates a guy like you that has flown and built most, if not all, of the RV models has built an -8 for his personal mount!
God speed!

Your -8 looks great. Is that Jeep Cherokee Red I see on the cowling?

And the RV "build" silhouettes are too much. Nobody else in the world can match that -- a sextuple (that just sounds wrong!!) Ace and still counting. I hope to see it up close soon.


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L@@ks great. I like the paint scheme and what you did to that
old grey prop. Now go put some bugs on it.
borrowed horse

Jaybird she is one pretty horse!!

I especially like that you thought to put my initials on the side :D

Hope she flies as good as she looks.
I discovered them on the main page, guess I should go there more often. Great looking plane Jay! Like the warbird look.
Borrowed Horse

The Horse is in the barn. Brought it home today. Flew fine. Doug and Monkey and i did a photo flight with Alex in his 10. You will see some of Dougs work tomorrow on his sight. I am real happy with how the paint scheme turned out. Grady and Danny did a great job.
Steve Fromholts RV8 paint scheme was an insparition as well. We kinda "Borrowed" some from several P51s and Steve's too.
Thanks to all that helped.

NOW,,, no MORE Building,,,, lets go to IDAHO, OSH, Colorado or,,,, you name it.??? I am In!!

PS: I'm heading to the Bahamas tomorrow, be back in 2 weeks,, maby.................................

Love the paint job. Looks great. The shot of you over the lake.....looks like you are headed to a beach to do some strafing!



A day after that shot. I flew it to Florida. Then on to Staniel Cay Exumas, Bahamas. A fun 8 days @ Staniel cay Yacht Club.... Back in Venice, FL now, and back to work @ RV Central in a few days.
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Did you have to stick the GIANT temporary N-numbers on your new paint (going into the Bahama's)? YIKES! :eek:

Paint job sure looks sweet!
Big N #s


Yes I had to put 12" #s on both sides. A big wast of $ if you ask me, We had a blast even with big goverment sticking its nose in on it.
Wish you could have flown with us!

Horse in the Barn

The Borrowed Horse is home from the Bahamas and Florida.
Man what a fun traveling machine!!!!!!!!!!

While you were gone, I was in the area on business. Gave your shop a call and Jim said come on over. He was very generous with his time, even though it was late in the day and I'm sure he was ready to go home! I brought a buddy of mine along who's kind of an airplane nut. He loved seeing the in-process RV's.

Tell Jim thanks again from John and Brad.


PS I was disappointed that "Borrowed Horse" was out of the corral! I really wanted to see it. Maybe next time.
Borrowed Horse


Sorry to miss you. Hope you get back here soon.
I'm having a blast flying the new plane.
one year old RV8

The 'Borrowed Horse' a RV8, turned one year old July 17th, 2008. After one year a Bahammas trip, and Oshkosh, (home base Fort Worth, Texas), all is well, running great! 160 + hours so far...

RVs are fun airplanes. I have flown 30+ different ones, 29 first flights in RVs, 2000+ hours in RVs, all good.

Get one if you can!!!

Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Danny King for making me get a " P51 " paint sceme!!!,,,, it IS,,,,,, FUN!!!!!!!! getting the attention for a different kind of paint job.
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September 18, 1946

Thank you, to all my friends for stopping by and having lunch on my B Day.
It was a total surprise.

The Borrowed Horse got a little exercise too. Thanks Roy.

See you next year??
200 houhs

200 hours

The 'Borrowed Horse' turned over 200 hours Sunday November 16, 2008. That is 200 hours in 16 months. I do not own all those hours, Mitchel Wagner got about 30 during the fly off period, Doug, Danny, Scorch, Paul, and Roy have gotten some time in it as well.

No problems in this first milestone. Looking forward to many more adventures.

This Sunday was a fun day. Carol me and some of the Hicks Regulars, met Paul and "Mikey" at Brennen, Tx for lunch. The day was just too nice to head home after lunch, and we were too close to the coast Not to head there. Carol and I flew toward Galveston and turned south west along the shoreline. We were low and slow for an hour or so, just enjoying the view. A turn to the north put us on a heading to Lake Whitney State Park. Landing there stretching our legs along the beach was nice. We took off for Bridgeport and $2.99 gas then home to Hicks. 4.7 on the Hobbs and a very nice day. At mostly 15 inches and 2250 RPM we still shrunk Texas.

What a machine!!!
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