
Well Known Member

Excited to read Paul’s book! Thanks Paul!
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Don't miss Paul's Webinar on EAA tonight

Paul Dye's EAA Webinar happens tonight at 8:00 EDT
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Just ordered one for my son. His birthday is Thursday and he is trying very hard to get a job at NASA or one of it's contractors in Houston. Graduated in December with an Aerospace degree. I'll probably grab it and read it before him though!
Thanks to everyone that tuned in to the Webinar tonight - there were lots fo great questions, and I enjoyed doing it. And thanks for those who are getting the book - hope you enjoy it!
Excellent webinar

I really enjoyed it, Paul. The time went by so fast. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences.
Space Station


Listened to the Flight Directors presentation today and saw the Space Station fly over tonight. Pretty cool!

Paul, why does the flight path represent a sine wave?
View attachment 245

Listened to the Flight Directors presentation today and saw the Space Station fly over tonight. Pretty cool!

Paul, why does the flight path represent a sine wave?

Orbital plane is not coincident with the equatorial plane. If it were, the ISS would trace a straight line along the ground coincident with the equator. With the tilt, a sinusoidal path is traced over the surface of the Earth, projected onto a planar 2D map.

Tilted orbits mean the spacecraft can overfly more of the Earth’s surface from a maximum north latitude to maximum south latitude. Gives a better variety of views out of the cupola for the crew. And probably means they fly directly over their house in a 6-12 month mission.
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Is Paul's webinar archived anywhere so that those of us who missed it can view it?
I’ve been reading Paul’s book and it is really good. If you have been around for a while, you know that Paul is just a great writer. The coolest part is that he is one of us!

Thank you Paul, it is awesome to know you.
I just finished the book. I started reading it a week ago in the hospital. I'm out now after a week. It gave me something interesting to think about during my stay before and after surgery since I loved the shuttle program. I commented earlier in this thread about my son who was looking for an aerospace job. He got one! It's at a company in Houston contracted with NASA so he'll be at JSC along with his companies offices. I'm excited he will be in the same facility that alot of these cool stories originated.
Paul if you read this I really enjoyed the book. Can't wait to meet you at Oshkosh next year!!
It’s great to hear how many folks are enjoying the book (and how kind the ones who might not enjoy it so much are being by remaining quiet?)!

Love to hear of it being inspirational for folks - the best thing we can do is passs on teh excitement and the knowledge we have to the next generation so that they can build upon it.

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Just finished reading the book. WOW! Thank you Paul. And this got me to wondering what must go into the successful deployment of the USAF's new Space Force.
Just ordered mine ... now I have to remember to bring it to OSH 2021 so I can get an autograph!
Just finished reading the book. WOW! Thank you Paul. And this got me to wondering what must go into the successful deployment of the USAF's new Space Force.

Well thank you!:D

With regards to Space Force, I’ve been out of the program for seven years, but my overview understanding is that it’s pretty much the long-standing USAF Space Command with different insignia and management structure. They’ve always done a great job, and I expect them to continue that tradition, regardless of what they are called.
