
Well Known Member
Hi all,
This past weekend we participated in the Biggest Air Race in the World here in South Africa! We call it The Presidents Trophy Air Race and is organised by SAPFA (South African Power Flying Association). I used to be the Chairman but not anymore - just competing nowadays. This has started running in 1937 and has run almost every year, but for a few years during the war.

It is basically a handicap race so anyone can win. There are however many factors such as use of wind and terrain, flying accurately, knowing how to get max out of your machine, etc. The interesting part is that NO GPS is allowed. We plot the maps and you use the good old map, compass and stopwatch to navigate. The Race normally (like it was this year as well) runs over two days with a total distance of about 650 NM.
This year we had 113 entries. Last year and the year before also over one hundred entries.

This year we are happy to report that Race 7 (RV7A) was placed 7th overall. The highest placing of the seven RV's that did enter.

Here are some pictures of us:


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Looks Great

I can't imagine that many racers and all the handicap fights that must go on. We used to have a race called the Marion Jane Air Race named after its founder who was a round-the-world race winner. They were about 5 legs of roughly 300 miles and they were handicapped. The races visited several locations including one stop in Thunder Bay Canada. They are no more sadly to say - with the kind of participation you have yours should continue for quite some time.

Bob Axsom
Handicaps! :eek:
We have a saying that only the winners are happy with their handicap speed. Bob we use two things. One is to look at the type or the specific AC's race history. Lots of information after so many years. Secondly if there is any doubt, the pilot of the AC will go up with a race official and fly about a 20 minute rectangle with a GPS logger on board. The official's job is to see that the AC is flown in "race trim" as we call it.

The correct handicap then gets calculated using the logger data. We also issue each AC with a GPS logger on race days. the logger software also calculates your 3D speed for each leg. This is also used to further fine tune handicaps.
Lot of experienced guys in the team. The main handicapper has been doing it for 30 years!! And the main scorer has been doing it for 20 years!!