
Well Known Member
We had a great weather weekend, and I decided it was time to make the move. Yesterday we moved the wings to my hangar...


...and today we moved the fuselage to the hangar at work where it will stay for a night or two to have the guys at work give it a good look.

A few shots of the day...







Full write up and pics here...


Very cool weekend!!
I tell ya, there nothing like it. I did mine friday. I felt like a young boy on christmas morning.
Chad and I started our RVs within weeks of each other and despite the many miles between us we have become great friends, even to the point of sharing a tent at AirVenture for the past few years (go ahead, insert joke here). :)

I emailed him late last night to tell him that it was immensly motivating and exciting for me to see his RV move to the airport.

Congratulations and thanks bud, keep up the great work!!!!
Chad and I started our RVs within weeks of each other and despite the many miles between us we have become great friends, even to the point of sharing a tent at AirVenture for the past few years (go ahead, insert joke here). :)

I emailed him late last night to tell him that it was immensly motivating and exciting for me to see his RV move to the airport.

Congratulations and thanks bud, keep up the great work!!!!

Thanks Brad! I'm SO glad you are working on yours regularly again!! :cool::D
Move to the airport


I was at the resturant today when you were moving your fuse to your hanger. I was in the 6 that you passed on the ramp. I've check your web site every now and then to see how you were doing and it looks great. If you can bum a ride up to Morris on the 16th we are hosting a fly-in. The more RVs the better.

I was at the resturant today when you were moving your fuse to your hanger. I was in the 6 that you passed on the ramp. I've check your web site every now and then to see how you were doing and it looks great. If you can bum a ride up to Morris on the 16th we are hosting a fly-in. The more RVs the better.

Cool! You probably saw me snap this picture of it then!


Hmmm...I'll see what I can do to get up to Morris...my in-laws are in town that weekend...:rolleyes:;)
It was fast. I started monitoring Chad's progress early 2006 when he was fabricating those wing stands. And now look the bird is at the airport.
Congratulations! Good motivation for the rest of us.
A good feeling!!!!

What a good feeling to get it to the airport. Getting close.

I'm just so glad we didn't have to have the Intervention when you were entwined in the Church of the Alternate Engine.:D
What a good feeling to get it to the airport. Getting close.

I'm just so glad we didn't have to have the Intervention when you were entwined in the Church of the Alternate Engine

You may have one the battle but you might lose the war!:rolleyes:
Chad and I started our RVs within weeks of each other and despite the many miles between us we have become great friends, even to the point of sharing a tent at AirVenture for the past few years (go ahead, insert joke here). :)

Where, exactly, do you want that joke inserted???!!!???? What was going on in that tent? I didn't really hear anything out of the ordinary one tent over....hmmm. :eek: :p

I may have to cancel this year's dorm reservation now, or at least get a new roommate ;)



Way to go, Chadster!

It's major exciting to see you make the big move! Now you can have 30 of us looking over your shoulder on Chapter meeting nights !!! :D:D
What a good feeling to get it to the airport. Getting close.

I'm just so glad we didn't have to have the Intervention when you were entwined in the Church of the Alternate Engine.:D

Sure is man! Yeah...we all go thru our "phases" don't we!? ;):D




SOON! Very soon! I ordered all the stuff this past Friday!

Where, exactly, do you want that joke inserted???!!!???? What was going on in that tent? I didn't really hear anything out of the ordinary one tent over....hmmm. :eek: :p

I may have to cancel this year's dorm reservation now, or at least get a new roommate ;)




LOL!!!!! Thanks Joe!!

It's major exciting to see you make the big move! Now you can have 30 of us looking over your shoulder on Chapter meeting nights !!! :D:D

Thanks Terry! I fully expect it!!
