
Well Known Member
Since life interrupted our trip out west, a day trip up north would have to suffice.......

No problem! Pack a lunch, jump in the plane, and make the 106 nm and 42 min hop to Duluth Sky Harbor airport. Once there, just park the plane, walk out the gate, cross over the dunes and you are on the beach of Lake Superior!

It was sunny, 60 and light winds in Minne today, but we were ready for May 31st Duluth-style. Winter coats, caps, and gloves were in order for the 45 deg temps and "gulp", 15-18kt winds at 90 degrees to the runway. Heck, let's give it a try!


The trip up was cool and smooth - there may have been some sleeping....but soon the big lake was in view....

This is the aerial of where we ended up on our hike.....

Final for 32, yup that feels like 15-18 kts at 90 degrees, focus, Pete, focus!

As usual, the -9A made me look good and soon we were roaming the beach!

It was as cold as it looked, Andi is a real trooper.......

The trails thru the woods were pretty and out of the wind, but if you see a character like this, I'd run......

We have no idea what caused this - any thoughts?

More pics in Part 2!
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Gitche Gumee Part 2

The hike past the airport is on the largest freshwater sand spit in the world at 10 miles [#knowledge]. It is only a few miles from the airport to Minnesota Point. There are some odd sights along the way - we saw these big cables...

The perfect climbing tree....

Old Lighthouse ruins....

Finally, the point!

The light at the point with that scary guy.....

The great windy view from the top of the light base....

Andi had theatre tix, so we ate a quick lunch in the woods out of the winds and walked the 2 miles or so back to the airport. We jumped in 9er-pop-hotel and scurried home - there was sleeping on the way home....


Great little trip!

Great report Pete - I always enjoyed the trip to Duluth - back when I was a newly-minted private pilot and still in High School, I'd grab three friends with cash, rent a Warrior, and fly us all up to Sky Harbor. We'd get a courtesy car and drive into town for dinner, then back and be ready for school the next morning with great stories to tell....

I took Louise up there a few years ago, and we had a picnic on the beach just behind the airport. Sat in some nice plants that turned out to be the most vicious poison oak I have ever encountered. if one molecule of the stuff exists on your clothes, you'll get a rash - and transfer it to the new clothes you're wearing. It took about six months to eradicate it fully from our closets....
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We have no idea what caused this - any thoughts?

Pileated woodpecker. Must have been some good eats in there for him.


More pics in Part 2![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the pictures. They brought back memories from when we lived in MN and used to fly our 172 up their for a picnic back during the 80s. Thanks! I agree that the pileated woodpecker probably made the holes.
Wonderful write up with a short history and ornithology lessons. Pilots are such interesting people. Next time I head up for a picnic I will pay particular attention to poison oak. Keep the cards and letters coming, I love the write ups
Great report Pete

Reminds me of the '89 trip to Telemark Lodge in upper Wisconsin. We flew 1 day over to Grand Rapids,MN to visit one of the pilot's folks & flew right over Duluth.
We also made a poker run to Ashland, WI, & Madeline Island, MI
Ended up @ OSH for my 1st trip there. Brings back great memories.
That photo on final was the sight picture I had on the only occasion to date of my landing an airplane in Minnesota, back in July of 2010. I did stick a toe in "Gitche Gumee" but that was as far as I got.:eek: In another month or so, I will be a resident of Michigan, so perhaps I can make more frequent trips to the "Land of 10,000 Lakes".:)
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