
Active Member
I need to know who the best oil analysis company is please. And what makes them best.

Is there any cents in mailing an oil sample to a few companies to compare the results?
I use Blackstone. I sometimes wonder if it is worth the expense. Anyway, they keep a spreadsheet of sorts with all your samples so you can compare/see trends. About $30/sample
I don't think any single analysis matters anywhere near as much as the trending that it illustrates, so I just picked one and stayed with it. Blackstone provides a nice narrative summary that addresses that trend over time ,and it's mail-in pre-packaged bottles are convenient. Works for me...no need to overthink IMHO. These labs all use the same equipment. Just pick one on the basis of its convenience and infrastructure.
I use Avlab. They also provide a detailed sheet from each oil change with green/yellow/red blocks to highlight irregularities. The sheet also shows a range each category from the sample should fall within. If you buy them at SunNFun or Osh they are $15 a kit with their shipping label. I buy a years worth at a time.
I agree with SA and mac, Blackstone for me also. And if you have a question for then, they are quick to respond.
Interesting that this came up today. I just got my report back from Blackstone this week. I went with BS since the pervious owner had some reports from them and they would just add on and make it easy for me to see the trend side by side. I am actually considering for my next oil change I will submit samples to both Avlabs and Blackstone just for comparison of the 2 labs, the data, similarity and most import to me the commentary around what was found.

I have a low time (Hobbs) but older engine (500 hours SMOH in 1990). For me trends and commentary on what is found is VERY important. I want to get the most of the engine and not pull the trigger on an OH out of fear, but rather from the data saying it's time. So far BS has been great, they are happy to get on a call and talk about the findings as well as hear what the owner has found during anything they have suggested. For example, change before this one I had high Chrome which suggests ring wear, unless you have Chrome cylinders. BS suggested compression and borescope be preformed. I did both, logged results, went through my logs and found that Chrome cylinders were used in the OH. Called them and we talked about the results they found after adjustment for Chrome cylinders, I gave them the results of the compression check (which was good) and what was seen on the borescope. They suggested nothing pointed to anything major and we would monitor the next sample to see the trend. Well this last sample came back with back to normal chrome content, YAY! but I do have some elevated tin, nothing crazy, just something to monitor the next sample.

Question:Is there any cents in mailing an oil sample to a few companies to compare the results?

Answer: Yes, if you don't put your cents on the package, you won't get any results.

Serious answer: have used all the companies.... all good.
Lemos. You could really put them to the test by pretending to need an analysis and faking it by sending a sample of someone else's oil.

Note: The above will make zero sense to most people. Presented in jest as a member and not representing any other entity. Carry on.
Lemos. You could really put them to the test by pretending to need an analysis and faking it by sending a sample of someone else's oil.

Note: The above will make zero sense to most people. Presented in jest as a member and not representing any other entity. Carry on.

And of course, as per usual, Lemos needs to fly somewhere tomorrow, and despite a suspicious bunch of metal in the oil, will decide to fly before he gets the analysis results back.
+1 Blackstone

I like there’s actual people reading the analysis for you and providing their interpretation, and you may call and ask those same people questions.
Lemos. You could really put them to the test by pretending to need an analysis and faking it by sending a sample of someone else's oil.

Note: The above will make zero sense to most people. Presented in jest as a member and not representing any other entity. Carry on.

Ha! That’s actually a great idea. Send two different oil samples from two different motors and seeing if they spot differences. I guess that would be the real test to see if the information that they provide us is bogus or not. Thanks for the idea woxofswa.

Any volunteers who may be doing an oil change soon that would be willing to donate a sample of your used oil to me?

When I had my RV-10 the builder had it on an oil analysis program so I kept it up. But I was never really sure if I should believe it. Now with my RV14, it hasn’t been on an oil analysis program so I’m looking to put it on one. But still unsure about believeing what I’m being told. So your suggestion is helpful to see if their bogus or not.