
Well Known Member
I stumbled across this reported upcoming TV series while surfing aviation sites this evening. It appears to be a general interest, aviation-oriented weekly show which they report will be broadcast on PBS this fall. A link to their website is here:

As I am a huge advocate of GA overall... I think that anything that expands the public knowledge about aircraft and flying benefits all of us. And if we're lucky... we can get them to cover Van's (There's the RV link! ;)) and experimental aviation in a positive light.

I wish them success... and hope you will too.

The previews were very interesting and well done. I will watch it when it hits the market. Didn't EAA have a short lived TV series that they put out in the early '90's? I think it was on the Discovery channel or maybe PBS and they had about 8 episodes before it disappeared.
Just checked out the website. Watched a preview. Looks pretty good.
Would be great if we could get them interested in doing a segment on VAN's and REALLY great if we could get them plugged into THIS website.
How about it Doug? Maybe you could be on their show!

Peter K
9A-130 hrs
same guy that did 'Wings over Canada'.

hopefully it generates some interest and stays around!

Funny timing on this topic.

One of the gentlemen involved with this show is Wayne Ellis, the treasurer of our local COPA flight (think Canadian version of AOPA), and we were discussing the new series at our meeting last night. As I understand it he'll be hosting an episode or two of the series himself. Anyway, it sounds as though the first 9 episodes are complete, and they are in the process of editing ep 10-15. Beyond that, I asked him about considering a feature on the Vans line of experimentals. He certainly couldn't promise anything as there are many involved in the process, but was enthusiastic about the idea, and asked for more information at our next meeting. Considering the number of RVs being built, it seems a hard topic to not pick up on.

I was going to pitch him a show about my build, but then thought better of seeing 24 minutes of me standing around scratching my head looking at my RV waiting for it to build itself (que George & Jerry "a show about nothing!")
The previews look great. Am I crazy though, or were they talking about the C-5M and showing landing footage of a C-17?
The previews look great. Am I crazy though, or were they talking about the C-5M and showing landing footage of a C-17?

No not crazy, talking C-5M with all the footage C-17 (except one shot with the nose open was a C-5)

Show looses a bit of creditability in my book but not unlike many, many TV shows, news articles, and documentries.
Hello gentlemen (and any ladies on here)!

We've actually replaced the C5 portion of that segment with the C17 and given the C5 it's own segment.

Thanks for the positive feedback gang!

Lisa Nalli
Associate Producer
"The Aviators"
Go to the gallery to see the other previews and trailer. Looks great so far.
I do hope they will have a download section, as I dont know when I will get to see it in Australia.
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Hello gentlemen (and any ladies on here)!

We've actually replaced the C5 portion of that segment with the C17 and given the C5 it's own segment.

Thanks for the positive feedback gang!

Lisa Nalli
Associate Producer
"The Aviators"

Lisa, hello, and welcome to VAF.

Great to have you aboard, hope you can find some nice things to put into an episode about the homebuilt world, and RV series of planes.

Good luck with the program.