
Well Known Member
I guess when Avery Tools wasn't at Oshkosh this year, it signaled the end of an era and today's note that Bob and his wife are retiring and ending the business is good news for them. So, congratulations.

That said, it marks another iconic passage. Such is life and all but the Avery family (the whole employee group) were a beacon of helpfulness at a time when there weren't forums or the Internet to get help and answers outside of a call to Van's.

They also set a standard for customer service that others who cater to our sport/hobby are required to meet because that's what we're use to and what we demand.

They were, above all, "one of us." That's important.

Thanks to the Avery "family" one and all for being there for us. We wish you happy travels.
Thanks, Bob, for capturing the thoughts of many of us and describing them so eloquently. I am, of course, very happy for Bob and Judy, but can't help but feel the loss to the entire RV community. They are flawless examples of the quality people that comprise our world-wide RV family.
Well said, Bob. The Avery family have set high marks for quality and customer service. We will miss them.
Thanks Bob, you captured my thoughts too.

I have the same feeling here .. overseas.

Avery family were part of my 8 adventure from first step.

Sad but happy for them.
Here's wishing the family some well-deserved time off!

Now maybe Bob can finish that RV-4 that got him started on all this in the first place.....
Bitter sweet

Bob and Judy,

You will be missed, for sure. I can already hear people asking at Airventure, "Do you know where Avery Tools' Booth is? I've been looking everywhere..."

I, for one, thank you for answering all my "newbie" questions, and for all you've provided to the experimental aviation community.
I first started building with an Avery tool kit a long time ago and bought a lot of components from them along the way. I always received friendly old world service from Avery. And Bob really knew what he was talking about when it came to aircraft tools.

I'm surprised that the retail sales component of Avery Tools is completely evaporating. I don't understand why Bob was not able to sell it through a business broker as a going concern.
I had a few day off during recurrent training in Dallas last year and wandered over to Hicks one afternoon to see what they had on the shelves I couldn't live without. Bob was kind enough to give me the nickel tour of the place and show me what he was working on (including the aforementioned partially completed 4) and then took me around the corner to visit with Jay Pratt and stayed to visit a while.
Nice folks and I wish them all the best. Now maybe they can get to do the things that always get put off for "someday".
I'm surprised that the retail sales component of Avery Tools is completely evaporating. I don't understand why Bob was not able to sell it through a business broker as a going concern.

The Cleaveland tool web site says that they will start selling some of the tools formerly sold by Avery, even using Avery's stock numbers.
Bob Avery and his family/staff have helped people worldwide.
A fine example of the best of America.
Best wishes for your retirement.
Way back when I bought my preview plans at Su N Fun, I also bought my tools from Avery

They made it more fun than it would have been otherwise

Best wishes. Have fun
I wish Bob and Judy a LONG and HAPPY retirement. They were the BEST in customer service and supplied top notch tools and supplies. Bob personally set me up with the best selection of tools possible when I built my RV-7A. Great folks that will be missed in the industry and hobby.


The Avery's are one of the class acts in this industry and leave a high bar for others to strive for. I am so glad that Cleaveland Tools is picking up their product line as they are another class act. The quality tools both of these companies provide certainly make building and maintaining the RV's a much more enjoyable experience.

"I just felt a great disturbance in the Force..." It won't be the same but I certainly don't begrudge your well-deserved retirement. We'll muddle through but will always be grateful for all the support.
Bob and Judy have made a mark on our industry for sure. We are all better for it.
Relax and enjoy retirement!
Bob and Judy

Thanks for the memories. It was a good run.
Turn the phones off and come to Idaho next summer!
Wishing you two all the best!
Love you both.
...I'm surprised that the retail sales component of Avery Tools is completely evaporating. I don't understand why Bob was not able to sell it through a business broker as a going concern.

I'm not familiar with their reasons for closing shop. But having recently closed our small family business I can certainly understand the concern if the seller doesn't think a prospective buyer is the "right fit." It has to do with holding the reputation of the business as a higher priority than making more money. I know that's not good business as taught in the business schools, but it could explain the action here. Sounds like the Averys have a good plan. Bob will be able to gradually transition into retirement.
To all builders...

It was the Spring of '07 when I had decided to build my RV7, Miss Sandy. I called Avery Tools on a glowing recommendation from other RV builders & spoke to Bob about what tools I would need. He fixed me up with everything but the pneumatic squeezer which he said was on back order. I met him in person that year at SNF & thanked him for his support & he said he had my squeezer in the back & to hold on for a minute. Not only a squeezer but the VAF hat that I have worn since. sort of frayed around the edges like me but still a reminder of Mr. Avery's dedication to the spirit of home building. Thanks Mr. Avery for being a dedicated supporter and mentor to this old sailor.
I started missing them at Oshkosh . . . Thanks for all the years of great products and customer service Bob & Judy.
Good for you!

Bob was always my go-to guy whenever I needed help with a drill or squeezer that was not, ?performing it?s intended function?. He was also right there, ready and willing to do any close tolerance drilling that I was afraid of ? like drilling my Grove landing gear. :eek: Yes, Bob was always willing to help and he treated me like I was one of his best customers ? but I know that the rest of you received the same special treatment. Sorry to see them retire ? but glad they are able to go enjoy their time together! Fare well Avery?s!
I, too, will miss Avery Tool, but we still have the Bob & Judy. Knowing them, respecting them, and doing business with them. Well, two out of three isn't bad. Good luck, and enjoy a well deserved retirement.

Thank you Bob and Martin

I owe more than you can imagine to Bob Avery. I took a basic sheet metal class at his shop with Martin Sutter 20 years ago that really pointed me in the right direction. I'm building a RV6 but took some time off to build a polished all aluminum Hummel Ultracruiser that won Grand Champion at OSH this year!
Avery's Retirement - time to tell on them!

In the early summer of 2010, as many of you know, I was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery in June that year.

Among the hundreds of you that sent me get well messages and encouragement were the Avery's.

I told them in private chats, that I planned to make it to Oshkosh even though I would only be about 6-7 weeks post op.

I told them I was tempted to push it, and go to show that you CAN beat cancer.

They knew the odds, and had dealt with it too, so they knew what I was planning was not wise but they were supportive beyond belief.

They sent me a couple free VAF Tshirts so I could emblazon "I BEAT CANCER SO WHATS A LITTLE RAIN" on them, as the forecast that year did not look good.

They gave me FIRM instructions that I was to check in with them as soon as I arrived at OSH, and they would have cold water in the booth for me.

Well when I walked in first it was hugs all around, then I think they realized as others would later that day just how bad I looked, and immediately made me sit and drink and cool off. They were so worried they kept asking shouldn't I go home? Not me, too stubborn.

They kept me there for about half an hour? When I got up to go visit other friends booths they said I had to check in on my way out!

Then more hugs and words I'll never forget "It's great to see someone beat it for once".

I didn't make it long at OSH, in total maybe 90 mins.....but I had to stop by on my way out to once more say good bye, and head home realizing what a huge mistake it was to push it that soon, but I was so glad to see them and to show them that, yes, I had good news.

I still have the shirts, I'm still cancer free 5 1/2 years later, and as it turns out that was the last time I got to go to OSH and see them.

As they go into Retirement I want them to know that beyond the planes, and tools, and Shows....

They had a huge impact in helping keep a very sick guy recover before, and beyond that day, and I was only one of many I am sure that they helped in some way, so it should not come as a surprise to anyone what these folks did over the years for so many of us.

Thank you folks for always being there for me, and for us, if you ever need the favor returned. Assuming there's a way I can do anything close to what you did for me all you need is ask.

God Bless and many more wonderful years to you all.
If the Jim Pappas posting above is not a reason to salute the Averys then I don't know what is. Thanks Jim for expressing it so well, and thanks Bob and Judy for just being the special people you are.
Now I'm going to go get a tissue for my tears.
I have been building RVs for close to 30 years. The first two I built using a hand squeezer. When I started my RV-7 late last century, I decided I could afford a pneumatic squeezer with all the yokes and accoutrements. Avery was having one of their sales at the time so I placed my order. It was the probably the best tool purchase I ever made.

Anyway, a number of RVs later and it just didn?t have the pizazz it once did. So I boxed up the main body, enclosed a blank check and sent if off to Bob with instructions to repair it and fill out the check as necessary.

First, how many vendors are you willing to send a signed blank check? That says a great deal right there.

Second, the squeezer came back two weeks later all spiffed up and anxious to get back at those rivets. My blank check came back as well. Huh?

I called Bob. He said he repaired it under warranty. Warranty?! The thing was ten years old and had obviously been used on countless rivets and dimples.

Our country?s economy rests on the back of great small businesses like Avery Tools. We in the aviation community in general and the RV world in particular are diminished by their so well deserved retirement.

God bless you Bob and Judy Avery.
At Oshkosh 2006 I spent my first $500 at Avery's booth. Martin Sutter patiently explained what basic tools I need to finish the empennage I was about to order. Many orders came after that large and small. Always great service big Thank You the Averys!