
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
We?re having a full week of rain in the Houston area ? the mornings seem sort of OK, then deteriorate into either Thunderstorms or steady drenchers once the atmosphere wakes up. Quite a change from the great drought of 2011, but it makes it hard to enjoy a little flying. One benefit, however, is that the air is very smooth before the rains set in, and this morning I was up in Tsam, playing around with a few maneuvers and watching on the XM as some rain showers slowly crept in from the south. Now that we have over a hundred hours on the airframe and have worked out most of the kinks, I have been trying to take part of each flight to gain more experience and do some testing with the G3X/GXPilot/GNS 430W system. We plan on using the airplane for instrument flight (hence all that equipment), but I like to go slow getting there with a new airplane.

Today, with no traffic and smooth air, it looked like a good opportunity to try for a fully-coupled, complete approach at our local ILS runway. I wanted to see the system do the whole thing, horizontal and vertical, including the full procedure turn. I was about 20 miles southeast of KLBX at 3,000? when I got started ? brought up the approach on the 430W and activated it, then punched up ?External? on the G3X flight planning page. This immediately populated the G3X flight plan with the waypoints for the approach, and told the G3X we were going into approach mode ? the 430W was driving. I engaged the G3X with the stick trigger, and this brought it up already integrated to the EFIS in pitch and roll hold. The next thing was to get it descending and headed to the IAF, so I dialed in 2500?, a 500 fpm descent, and punched it into ?Nav? mode. Tsam obeyed immediately with a turn in the proper direction and a little dip of the nose. From here on out, all I was going to do was work the throttle and cross-check the airplane?s flying.

Coming up on FREEP (the IAF and FAF), the 430W was in GPS mode and counting down to the start of an anticipation turn to join the localizer outbound. It executed this perfectly, just as we reached 2500?, and the G3X echoed the Tru Trak?s call for a little nose-up trim. Once we were stabilized outbound, I dialed in another descent to 2100? and pulled back a little on the power, just as we came up to the procedure turn ? which Tsam executed just like she knew what she was doing. The ?Stay within this circle? circle was on the chart and we stayed tucked nicely inside ? the course reversal was crisp at a bank angle for a two-minute turn. I had the Waypoint page set up to look at the approach plate (with the little purple airplane displayed in the correct position) with a single click of the knob on the MFD. As we swung around the far side of the procedure turn, the 430W clicked into VLOC mode and this was reflected on the PFD as the ILS bars came up, along with the Highway in the Sky boxes. I stilled hadn?t touched anything but the throttle and trim, and now took off a little more power to get us down to 120 knots. Tsam bobbed appropriately to stay on the glide slope as we slowed ? the smooth air made it feel like I was flying a desktop simulator, and we were on rails.

I watched the GS diamond crawl down the scale and when it hit the center, the nose bobbed again, and down we went ? I flicked on the fuel pump, pushed the mixture forward, and checked the lights. I?d get flaps and the prop on short final. The Velocity Vector was pegged right in the middle of the boxes on the PFD, and nailed to the numbers on the virtual runway. Pulling back on the throttle pitched us up ever so slightly as we slowed a little more. Tsam was in a happy place with the G3X and Tru Trak making nary a wiggle all the way from the FAF to the runway. I finally disengaged at 200?, pulled the power smoothly back as I raised the nose and thumbed the flaps out. Prop in, then flared to land. Wow ? so that?s what the stick feels like! I hadn?t touched it since the last series of loops and rolls ten minutes earlier.

Although I have been involved in the development and testing of advanced avionics in flying machines my whole career, it still amazes me what our experimental avionics can do. From ?take me to an airport? to touchdown, I had used the stick only once ? and the button-pushing itself was pretty minimal. I could spend my time heads-up, checking the maps and altitudes, making sure that Tsam was on the straight and narrow ? not using a third of my own CPU to fly it myself. I still love to hand fly, and have flown numerous practice approaches that way in the airplane already. But especially in a single-seater, with no other human to share the load ? the coupled approach capability is certainly a safety enhancement and load reliever. I think even Lieutenant Doolittle would be proud?.

What, no autothrottle? No dual channel Cat III autoland?? It's gotta be on back order from Stein... ;)
I have to say-my GRT/Trio combination does all this, too, plus it also takes care of the trim.
It is quite amazing. My last plane (C-182) had a one axis analog autopilot that could hold a heading at cruise speed but wallowed all over the place at approach speeds.
Thanks Paul for the write up. One of my take-aways is that many of us have technology in our planes we do not fully understand or exploit.

I have a VFR plane but it does have an autopilot with vertical control. I do not have the requisite GPS to perform vertical navigation. However, the 696 does report VNAV and I can easily dial the AP to a 500fpm decent so I do it to arrive near the airport a little above pattern altitude. Then I fly the pattern.

Like you noted, I can easily hand fly all of this but using the tools I have in the cockpit let's me use more of my faculties to focus outside the cockpit. I also use the extra bandwidth to organize my cockpit, put away things that came out during my cross country phase (the charts, water bottle, etc), and generally make the mental switch from enroute to arrival. I arrive at the pattern, prepared and unrushed.

My other take-away is that it's both easy and fun to practice this stuff when you can rather than figure it out when you need it.
Thanks Paul for the write up. One of my take-aways is that many of us have technology in our planes we do not fully understand or exploit...

Good report, Paul.

And an excellent point about this advanced equipment, Glen. We don't ALL need to have the latest and greatest in our panels (sorry, Stein!)

My Dynon D-100 EFIS and D-120 EMS are practically dinosaurs now. My simple TruTrak ADI Pilot II is equally antiquated. My gut yearns to update my panel with some new stuff, but thankfully my wallet says no.

A typical flight profile for me is to take off, circle my house, fly over our lake house, do a few rolls and head back to base to land and clean off bugs. That's it. No cross-country trips, no IFR, no flight plans. Why in the world do I need the fancy stuff? Other than for bragging rights, I don't.

I add this for the benefit of those who are contemplating their panels and are pining for the fancy stuff. Before you buy thousands of dollars of fancy-schmancy stuff for your panel, do some introspection into whether you will ever really use the stuff or if it's just for looks. Also know that, whatever you buy, it will be mostly obsolete before you fly for the first time.

It amazes me what these new panels will do -- but I know that I wouldn't have a clue how to use or interpret most of the information displayed.

I like my old Dynons. :D
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Great systems

Obviously there are many ways to provide a fairly well integrated system in home build aircraft. Does anyone have a reasonable schwa (or even hard numbers) how these systems affect weight? I have tried to find numbers, but there are a lot of variables (harness, one vs 4 cylinder temps, etc). My assumption from what I have found is that for the SAME capabilities, glass and electronic CB's, etc seem to at least not be too much heavier?

Without a doubt, the heaviest parts of the system that gives Tsam this kind of capability are the autopilot servos and the GNS 430W. Qualitatively, the two-screen G3X and AHRS (combined) are less than a six-pack with mechanical engine instruments. All the autopilot servos I have seen are pretty much identical, and there really isn't an alternative to the Garmin certified GPS navigators. So for identical capability, the weights are going to be a wash.

Now, added weight over a stripped down, VFR/Day, aerobatic demo RV-3?'s a lot!!
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Paul, your description is great!

Having 150+ hours behind a G1000 and GFC700 AP, I cannot fathom flying my eventual RV in IMC without the enhanced power of the modern avionics that we have available to us. It is simply impressive what a well thought out suite can do to enhance GA safety.

We need to be ever vigilant however and remember, these suites will do exactly as they are told and fly right into the ground. In CAP we had 2 very experienced pilots, apparently admiring the G1000, fly right into the side of a hill. It was a stark reminder of our need to stay ahead of it all and know what it is doing at all times.

You gonna bring Tsam to Air Venture?

Paul I spoke to Danny K. about this system also and he is the one that convienced me to go with it. I decided on the GTN 650 though. Anyway... Danny said this system is just like the 777's he used to fly sans the auto throttle. Now that's a system! (It better be for $27K!! :D)