
Well Known Member
..... With most of us trapped in our homes, and desperately looking for something
to do to pass the time, and to look forward to. Well A.S.A. to the rescue! We can
Help you with all of this frustration, and possibly relieve some of the mounting
anxiety. All you need to do is go to the <> website, sit back
and review all of the great products & services we have to help you through this
madness. Start out with some item you just can't live without and order it! now
you truly have something to look ahead to. Now don't stop there, tomorrow do
the same thing, next day do it again. Now please don't worry about running out
of products, as we currently have enough to carry you through the next couple
of months. Should this thing carry out and progress longer than that, we will
create more products to help you through it. "Necessity is the mother of
invention," and you can count on us! Now, I hope this has helped put your mind
at ease and made you all feel better with the knowledge of good things coming
in the mail box. I can assure you it is doing wonders for us just thinking of it.
I hope everyone stays safe out there, and (when not busy ordering) are
enjoying any extra time with their loved ones while they can. Cheers, Allan..:rolleyes:
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Nice To Be Needed!

.....Wow! Several orders already and it looks like more coming now! It is beginning to look like we are really doing our part to cheer you guys up. Thank you all for your support and purchases. Allan...:D
If only the Ultimate Gust Lock was compatible with the standard (non-Tosten) -14A sticks, I'd buy one today. Might be a good time to engineer one, too... :)
If only the Ultimate Gust Lock was compatible with the standard (non-Tosten) -14A sticks, I'd buy one today. Might be a good time to engineer one, too... :)

....If someone has one of those stock Vans sticks laying around? Send it to us and I can make you a gust lock. We just haven't had the demand so didn't build them. Thanks, Allan..:D
....If someone has one of those stock Vans sticks laying around? Send it to us and I can make you a gust lock. We just haven't had the demand so didn't build them. Thanks, Allan..:D

A quick search of Van's terrible store interface turned up only the Tosten version. I'll call them tomorrow and order one. When it shows up, I'll be in touch for details on where to send it.

If only the Ultimate Gust Lock was compatible with the standard (non-Tosten) -14A sticks, I'd buy one today. Might be a good time to engineer one, too... :)

I have Infinity grips on mine with the standard Vans sticks. I would order a gust lock also for my 14A.
On The Drawing Board

.... OK! As soon as I have access to a stock Vans stick I will build some to fit!
If anybody has one, send it to me to prototype and I will return it to you.
Thanks, Allan...:D