
Well Known Member
First thing in the morning, after my cup of tea :coffee: is brewed and warming my hands, having watched the Birds out The Window with Sir Cat, 😻 sent my SO off to work, I sit down at my computer to check things. Being somewhat lazy, I'll open first whatever was on the screen when I left it last night. If VAF is on screen, I check that first, before email. This morning: it was up first.

Scrolling down my first subject to be opened was Oil Filter Testing that was started yesterday. In the early afternoon! Dan H has been working on this for some time and it is now coming together. It is not going to be cheap but with some corporate contributions and promised donations from this forum, it was completely funded by 6 pm! Less than 4 hours after he posted what was about to happen!!!:oops:😊

This is something that has been in the works on VAF for some time (thank you, Dan!!!) and the information that is obtained will BENEFIT ALL OF EXPERIMENTAL AVIATION AND A BIG CHUNK OF GENERAL AVIATION! All from this tiny little section of the aviation community that you are a part of. A contributing part of. At least I HOPE YOU ARE A CONTRIBUTING PART OF!

With that in mind, many of you reading this and the posts regarding oil filters are contributing members. BUT 80% OF YOU ARE NOT!! :mad:

You might not be a builder. You might not even fly an RV. But you will be/already have benefited from the information gathered in this forum and should CONTRIBUTE to help Doug and crew keep it going. It is a full-time job keeping all this up and running and is NOT free! It is dependent on contributing members such as yourself.

Please consider contributing what you can. Every little or large amount helps. You can be proud that you are one of the 20% that helps this forum continue to generously help the AVIATION COMMUNITY AT LARGE.

Just thoughts from a lowly reader, writer and contributor........oh, and a pilot, (slow built) RV-4 builder.....did I mention contributor....?