
Well Known Member

Yesterday I had the pitot and static system and it's instruments checked for it's accuracy by a aircraftshop.
(It's a requirement to do this in Norway before the aircraft receives it's final airworthiness certificate)

Before the test, I had the impression that the airspeed and altimeter indications where pretty accurate based on the testflying I've done so far, but the mechanic at the aircraft shop put a big smile on my face!

He found that the airspeed indicator and the altimeter was BANG on!
He tested the IAS from 30 KIAS to 200 KIAS and 90% of the readings was exactly on the IAS.
The last 10% of the readings where 1 (yes; ONE..) knot off...

The altimeter was the same.

He said he'd NEVER seen a more accurate IAS and ALT indicators and he even said could've calibrated HIS testequipment after MY instruments...

In addition to this, AFS have been providing GREAT customercare for me, so I've no trouble deciding which type of EFIS to choose for my second RV...

Just wanted to share a happy moment with you guys...