
I'm New Here
In fact the story began here

We had the chance to find Milt alias Bearcat and his wife Gail who proposed to host our son Pierre 17. Old.

After some email and phone calls we decided together that he could stay 6 weeks in Mississipi to help Milt on his composite radial rocket

The trip started the 4. July and after a 13 hour flight he arrived for in New-Orleans. It was the first time that Pierre came to USA.
During this 6 week he learns a lot about homebuilt planes and the USA.
Before that Pierre was like other teenagers, spending a lot of time at the computer and doing less in the workshop.

This changes, because the interest was great and Milt a perfect teacher :
He learned drilling, bending, sanding, riveting, etc… Also a lot about airplanes and of course English.
He also got the opportunity to fly, to fly a lot:
with Milt’s warbird T28 Super Nomad they flew to Oshkosh, and in Mississipi he flew in a RV-8 an Cirrus SR22.

Pierre is back to France since 2 weeks now and every day he has another story to tell us. It was a great experience and we will not forget the kindness of Milt and his wife Gail.;)

For some days we discussed together with our son about to learn flying, he answered :
“It also would be interesting to fly in an own homebuilt plane… a RV.” :D
Good memories


You have brought back some good memories for me. My family and I hosted a 17 year old Turkish girl for a full year about 10 years ago. She was a good girl and the only problems we encountered early on were due to communication. Her English wasn't as good as she thought but by the end of the year her English had improved so much I felt like I had another child (in a good way).

Our only means of communication with her after she returned home was email and for some reason a few years ago my emails started returning to me with a delivery failure. Your story has promted me to try a little harder to reconnect.

Thanks Jake and I think it's worth there to contact this person.

This kind of exchange is a human adventure that everybody could try :rolleyes: , It moves closer people.

Simon, Pierre's father