Joe Hine

Well Known Member
Doug...saw your photo on the site this evening and just wanted to advise that what is in the photo is a heavy frost. Snow is thicker, it get in your shoes not just under it. Having said that and being one of your "northerners"(although here in eastern Canada we are aware that we have another 1000 miles of peope who live to the north of us) we are experiancing one of our best early winters so far...If things hold out, I might get to fly YTQ in December. I've never done that before because once the snow comes (real snow) the runway isn't plowed and we don't fly.

This is normally the time of year I read your site and wish I lived in a area where I could fly all year. Snowy winters can be fun as well though...


Joe Hine
C-FYTQ in warm (16C today) eastern Canada.
I guess I shouldn't complain <grin>. We can probably fly 350 days a year here if we really wanted to.

28F outside right now. Brrrrr

You mean like this Joe?

From my driveway one day


That's why you gotta have one of these to go with that RV up here.



RV8 Fuselage
DeltaRomeo said:
I guess I shouldn't complain <grin>. We can probably fly 350 days a year here if we really wanted to.

28F outside right now. Brrrrr


Yeah, don't complain Doug...I've got to go to Minneapolis over the weekend for business - if it's this cold down here in Texas, imagine what it's going to be up there! (And because of time constraints, I've gotta' take the big red-tailed bird and let someone else do the flying for a change.....dang!)

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Thanks Paul...I've got a photo somewhere of my hanger with so much snow in front I had to lie down and slide under the top of the opening to get in, but I couldn'd find it tonight.

There is a new tenant at Weyman with a kitfox on skis, I given him a few rides in ytq so he owes me some ski time.

Snow, and lots of it! Part of what makes us Canadians!!!

cawmd82 said:
Cool looking....what is it????

It's a Challenger II, lots of fun, cheap, low and slow. Wish I could sell mine so I could buy an engine but the wife says NO!

A good problem to have.
Joe: A real pitty the runway doesn't get plowed...some of the most exciting and pleasant flying I ever experienced was during the winters in Alaska. Air was so calm and smooth,you could fly with a full cup of coffee and not spill a drop...and the night flying was gorgeous from the reflection off the snow of the moonlite nights...I miss those days, inspite of all the time it took sweeping off wings, shoveling a drench to get the plane out of parking, and preheating the engine for a short blissfull flight...
Hey CJ

Frankly, I think the kids next door are are pullin' fast one on you. Actually I grew up in Winnipeg Manitoba. Its like that all winter...every winter. The snow, when it snows here in the Okanogan valley, rarely stays on the ground
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lorne green said:
Frankly, I think the kids next door are are pullin' fast one on you. Actually I grew up in Winnipeg Manitoba. Its like that all winter...every winter. The snow, when it snows here in the Okanogan valley, rarely stays on the ground

Naaaah, my neighbor kids are too lazy to pile the stuff up that high!


The stuff was that deep all over!

:eek: CJ
You need a guy like this CJ. All you gotta do is tell him you need to do a little maintenance on the airplane while he gets rid of the 4' of snow in front of the hanger :D You'd think my brother would catch on after a while.



RV 8 Fuselage
I'm going to have to remember that one Paul! Great photo.

We got lucky (in my opinion) and missed the storm that just went through the midwest. Our time will come though. At least my shop is nice and warm. :)

Good news. There appears to be more snow in Dallas than in Minneapolis at the moment. But, you're right, it's freakin' cold.

I'm hoping to stop by and see you on Monday night.

BTW, for you southerners. Although I can't presently fly, this is my favorite time of the year for flying. The air is dense and stable and Minnesota is the land of 10,000 emergency runways right now.

It used to crack me up when I'd go rent a Warrior and pull it off the runway when it's, like, 13 degrees outside. It felt like I was flying a rocket ship. I can't imagine what it must be like in an RV.

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Bob Collins said:

Good news. There appears to be more snow in Dallas than in Minneapolis at the moment. But, you're right, it's freakin' cold.


I'm sitting in Roseville right now Bob, and you're right - this is February weather!!!

I flew up last night with perfect VFR all the way....but I was sitting in an airline seat, wishing I could have taken the Valkyrie....would have gotten here about the same time! But the way the payment works for this trip made it far easier to just go in the big red-tailed mailing tube... :mad:
