
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
The one Doug posted on the VAF front page tonight? That thing is just WRONG!! :p

And I thought the indoor foamie airplanes were insane....what this guy does with a rotorcraft defies description in the language of aircraft. Insects maybe, but aircraft? :eek:

I've seen guys do these types of manouvers at fly-ins and it's just as hard to keep up with it in real life as it is on the movie. I like to watch them but I don't like to fly with them because you never know where they are or where they are about to be like you can by listening to other fixed wing aircraft you are flying with. I'll stick with my R/C planes, but I have mucho respect for the guys that can yank and spank the helis! They are really skilled pilots. :cool:
That is nothing---------I fly R/C helis just like that.

But, he did it on purpose----------so I guess there is a difference. And my flights usually only last for 2 or 3 seconds.

Judging by the kids name, he is at least 2nd generation heli flier, his dad (or uncle or?) has been flying them in competition for many years. Cant be that many heli fliers named Szabo.

And, yes this guy is good.. Cant imagine how many hours he spent practicing.

Amazing also, this thing is electric powered.
Mike S said:
Amazing also, this thing is electric powered.

Yeah, That's an Align T-Rex. It's amazing what they can do with electric powered models nowdays. A while back in Model Aviation they had a pic of a 33 or 40% bird that had four, yes, four Hacker brushless inrunners on it with a belt drive system connected to all four motors. They went to a central shaft that the prop was bolted on. Too Cool!!! :cool:

I had an R/C helicopter, oh I don't know, 12 years ago or something. I remember thinking how skilled I was when I could HOVER!

I can't even begin to wrap my brain about what that kid is doing. I'm going back to bed...:confused:
More Amazing

As an AMA rep and Futaba Team member I get sent all kinds of video sent to me. There is one with a 4 and half year old kid flying a 90 sized heli in full 3D mode. He is amazing. Guess how he learned, Simulators. Pretty disgusting to me!!!!

I'll see if I can find the video and and post it.
jrsites said:
Yeah, but did you see how bad he botched the landing...... :D
For what it's worth, that batched landing was a full-blown autorotation! That being said, you're right, it wasn't a very good least compared to what he CAN do.
Found it

The video that was talked about was Alan Szabo. He and his brother, Danny, are incredible. These kids make good money doing this stuff.

Even more incredible is 4 year old Justin Chi (Probably 5 now). He is unbelievable for his age. You can read about his history on his web site.

Here is a not too clear video of him flying.

Go to his web site and there are many excellent videos on there. Sickening!!!!

Your progress get severely limited when you have to pay for stuff yourself!!!
RV7Guy said:
Even more incredible is 4 year old Justin Chi (Probably 5 now). He is unbelievable for his age. You can read about his history on his web site.
Go to his web site and there are many excellent videos on there. Sickening!!!!

Your progress get severely limited when you have to pay for stuff yourself!!!

I remember when his father first started posting videos of him flying a simulator on RCUniverse. Everybody thought it was faked. Then people started backing him up and he started posting more videos of him flying foamies! VERY VERY talinted boy. It's been forever since I looked on that webpage. Been too busy flying real ones and reading here! :eek: I still try to fly my models reguraly though... ;)