
Well Known Member
I have followed the threads relating to the famous flap motor issue for some time, knowing that one day I would have to deal with it. Well, the day is here. I am to the point of wiring my flap motor and will have to make a decision about how to deal with the problem.

I have a motion systems flap motor, made on 5-20-98. Vans says that the only flap motors they have had problems with are the last batch of motion systems motors before they began to use their own. It seems likely that my motor may be one of the bad ones.

I have seen the instructions for disassembly and cleaning of the motor. I am wondering if I should do that and if so should I do it now, before mounting the motor? If it has to be done, I may as well do it now.

Can anyone who has a flap motor made about the time of mine tell me if there was a problem with it? Any insight into this problem would be appreciated.

tonyjohnson said:
I have followed the threads relating to the famous flap motor issue for some time, knowing that one day I would have to deal with it. Well, the day is here. I am to the point of wiring my flap motor and will have to make a decision about how to deal with the problem.

I have a motion systems flap motor, made on 5-20-98. Vans says that the only flap motors they have had problems with are the last batch of motion systems motors before they began to use their own. It seems likely that my motor may be one of the bad ones.

I have seen the instructions for disassembly and cleaning of the motor. I am wondering if I should do that and if so should I do it now, before mounting the motor? If it has to be done, I may as well do it now.

Can anyone who has a flap motor made about the time of mine tell me if there was a problem with it? Any insight into this problem would be appreciated.


Tony, I had the problem but it was with a much later motor, probably manufactured in 2002 or so. The problem manifested itself by not working when it was most needed, like right after take off, I could not raise the flaps. I'd haul the throttle back so as not to exceed flap speed, swing around and land, and on the ground it would work. :(

I'd call Vans to determine if your motor was in the bad batch and if it is, would they swap out for a good motor.

Thanks for your reply David. I read over the past threads on this issue. One post indicated that the "bad" batch of flap motors were made sent out from Vans in about 2001. That does make my motor less likely to be a bad one.

Do any of the rest of you have experience with the flap motors made prior to the bad batch of 01? I am interested in knowing if earlier motors, and perhaps later ones, perform.

My guess is that Van's would not be interested in swapping out my flap motor, even if it is one of the bad ones. Just a guess. Has anyone had success in getting Vans to replace an obviously faulty flap motor?
I don't know if the RV-8 has a manual flap option or not, in fact, I think it does not. If it did, I would suggest it. Do some searching on this forum. Someone posted a a replacement motor that appeared to be more reliable.

I went through TWO separate motors in my RV-4. Both of them exhibited this problem. I now have a Johnson bar. Works every time. :)
Flap motor Flap!

No manual option on the -8.
Don't bother cleaning, it'll only happen again. I tried the cleaning thing, no joy! I'd go ahead a get the newer motor, save yourself some grief. If you're persistent enough, it's possible to get Van's to replace it, it's happened!
I have a 1998 version flap motor and after 125 hours it is working fine. VAN had a write up in a past RVator which told how you could identify the bad motors. I have a copy of it somewhere. Email me if you can't find it and I'll look for it.
I too had one of those old bad ones...and yes I think it was previous to '01. That being said, I did the "clean & fix" thing about every 40 hrs for awhile, then finally got so mad that I bit the bullet and bought a new one from Van's (because even though they knew it was bad....they wouldn't trade me one, but they sure as heck would sell me a new one :) .

Anyway, there were a whole spate of us with that problem, and many just got so tired of "re-fixing" it that we bought a new one.

Just my 2 cents as usual.
