
Well Known Member
Thanksgiving is special to me. For one thing, I was married on Thanksgiving and it has been 43 great years. Another reason is that it just feels so good to give thanks for the plenty we enjoy. While this is a uniquely U.S. observance, I wish all of you (where ever your live) a wonderful day. I give thanks the freedom of flight and for friends like you.

Just this year I found a letter from my father dated 1943. He had just returned to his base in Northern England from a leave that he spent in London. London was a bombed out city, wanting for almost everything. He wrote home:

"I now know why we Americans celebrate Thanksgiving--We should."

That is still so true. Don't take anything for granted.

Bob Kelly
Thanks, Bob, and the same to you and yours.

It's a shame that we're so busy worrying about what we don't have that we think about being thankful for what we DO have only once a year.

To all,
Take some time, smell some roses, and tell those that you love that you love them.

And to all of you who have extended your friendship to me, thank you more than words can say.
Absolutely true.....

......."I now know why we Americans celebrate Thanksgiving--We should."

Bob Kelly

.....Bob. As an immigrant from Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), I treasure this country and am an American citizen, very grateful for my Dad's wisdom in bringing us here in '61. Yes, we're blessed indeed.

Happy Thanksgiving all!
The following is not all of Lincoln's proclomation, but I think it to be the most important part of it. Happy thanksgiving to all and especially to those away from home serving and protecting us all.

By the President of the United States of America.
A Proclamation.
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty

.....Bob. As an immigrant from Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), I treasure this country and am an American citizen, very grateful for my Dad's wisdom in bringing us here in '61. Yes, we're blessed indeed.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Amen Brother Pierre.

Many blessings come throughout the year. I count the experiences with my RV friends, like Pierre, as just some of those blessings I will never forget. In that spirit, I cannot go without mentioning many of my other RV/Aviation friends like Brian, Ralph, Dick, Bailey, Newcomer Thing 1, Newcomer Thing 2, Captain Ron, Todd and especially BFB, Hillsman and Ray. These are people that building, owning and flying an RV have allowed me to meet and call friends!

Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful simply to be alive, to see the sun and sky, smiles from other people, the smells and tastes of food - every day pleasures that we often forget about.

I am thankful that my cancer is in remission.

I am thankful that I am fortunate enough to live in a country where I am allowed fly and am fortunate enough to own (a share of) an airplane.

I am thankful for VAF and the friends I have made in the RV community.

What I'm Thankful For.

I believe the top on my list would be;

My health- to provide for my family
My Family- beautiful wife and 2 beautiful daughters
My Job- I still have one in this tough time and feel for the one's that don't.
My country- For giving us the freedoms to do the things we do.
My abilities- to build something out of pieces and 1 day fly the creation(RV8) with my 2 hands.
I could go on forever but I do want everyone to know that your thanks should go out to the men and women serving right now and the freedoms that they provide for us. A special prayer should go out to the families of the lost soilders and the ones still to come home. I THANK THEM!

Bruce Gray
Fuse, still
Happy Thanksgiving

Here is to wishing you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving.

Off to Grandmas

Wheels up at 7 a bite in the air,
great for the engine so crisp and so clear.
Clearing the treetops then banking to right,
now over the river a great start for a flight.

The sun is now rising and the fog on the ground,
the picture is stunning and I then hear a sound.
Ten degrees to the right and watch class B overhead,
I'm setting a bearing to my mom's house instead.

The Garmin is changed in a blink of an eye,
as the True-Track re-routes this ship in the sky.
I thought it was your folks we went to last year,
but the navigators look made things oh so clear.

So it's off to grandmas, the other one this time,
the food will be great and the company fine.
This bird is now flying and there's nothing that shakes,
as the build was demanding in the time that it takes.

Make the call at ten miles to the towerless field,
a reply on the horn and I find I must yield.
Number two on downwind as I set in the flaps,
Have a great turkey dinner at grandmas and grandpap's.

Dan Billingsley
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