TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
The Staff at Aircraft Specialty Flightlines would like to thank all that visited with us at AirVenture 2022. You made our second year of exhibiting a success! Its always great to put faces to names of emails and phone conversations. It gives us a personal connection. Alot of you placed orders for various kit packages and we appreciate it. Production staff will be working hard to quickly process them and ship to you. We look forward to exhibiting again next year, with some new items we've been working on. Steve will be updating our website with a few more of these items in the near future. Until them, if you have a request, you can contact us directly.
Thanks again to all of you that made our exhibit a success!
Tom, Steve and Staff
After years of talking on the phone with you guys it was great to talk with you in person.
Bruce, Steve and ALOT of others, its great to meet, talk and learn what you products you'd like. Steve and I like the personal connection we get by exhibiting at OSH. Alot of what we do has come from ideas or requestd from alot of you.

And while our exhibit is 'alittle' out of the way, we found that it works for us. We get to spend more time with each of you, again, developing that personal connection.

WELL, couldnt find the place for vendors to chime in, so I found the one from last year that we posted.
THANK YOU ALL so very much for visiting our booth. Really cool to put names and faces with email addresses, and voices on the phone. Yes, its out of the way, and a long way to come, but we hope its worth the walk, tram, scooter, golf cart, or jet pack ride to visit with us. I lost my voice early Monday, and wasnt communicating well. As usual, the experimental community, and the Vans family treated us very well. Steve and I greatly appreciate it!

A couple of new things were displayed. Perhaps there will be a 10 mockup in place of the 14A version next year. Many of you asked about the Beringer option package for the RV10. Since Vans is making it an option on the order form, its easy-----and yes----Thanks to Vans and alot of you, we do supply the hose assemblies for the package. Same for the FWF package with mechanical injection.

WE did get alot of feedback on a few items, and 1 in particular will be addressed as soon as I get back----thats the one for our Canadian clients, that may pertain to the Austrailans and the Europeans as well.

Again-----thank you all so much for making this years show a successful one.

Tom and Steve
Always great to visit with you guys way down there in Ultralights Tom and Steve….one of these years, we all need to throw a few bucks your way so you can move up to where you belong - at the adult table with all the E-AB folks!

And Tom - can’t wait for the new products you talked about (and we’ll keep folks guessing on what those are…..)