
Absolutely love this site. It’s full of shared knowledge, FS items, WTB’s, questions and answers. Mostly all positive.
I’m not a pilot or owner, I just fix’em and help build and restoration work. However I’ve been quite successful in helping to sell and buy RV’s and parts for a few folks..all at no charge..... just made a donation to the cause...just because it’s the right thing to do....

Keep it up and running smooth as silk....
If you ever meet Delta Romeo, Doug, you will know why this is truly one of the best places for RV aircraft and the community it supports.

Thanks Doug.
Thank you for the kind words both Bill and Phil. I'll keep trying my hardest to bring you a quality product. It seems the site is one of a handful that is left of the civil and non-crazy spots online these days. I'll do what needs to be done to keep it that way. We need this hobby now more than ever!

And Phil, per your signature line, as God as my witness I'm gonna get a seat someday in that Phenom for the occasional side gig <grin>. Still no nibbles but fingers always crossed. Simulator session #138 today - six hours of CAB HI, E2 Fail, LND Gear Fail, wind sheer and air data computers going south ;^). My head is mush, and checking in on VAF on the laptop while watching Starsky and Hutch for an hour helps return the brain to 'normal'. <grin>. 1970's normal at least....

Appreciate both of you,