
Hello All!

I had the fortunate experience of picking up my first RV about a month ago at 52F. I had a great time and want to thank you all for everything you did. Had fun at lunch with Steve ,Randy, Doug, and the Burners. Doug thanks again!

Randy and Walt thank you both for your expertise and patience with my dumb new guy questions which you answered fully and rapidly. Thanks for getting my plane squared away on short notice!

Randy I still owe ya.

Matt, I can?t thank you enough brother for all the time and training you provided me.

Dan, thanks for the patience with all the hoops from the bank. I hope all is well, Eh.

I look forward to seeing y?all again soon.

Ha I took a pic of your plane when I picked up mine. I think dan got yours. Nice ride. Drinking beer tonight but will post my plane tomorrow. Cheers everyone!