
Well Known Member
On of my new Millennium cylinders installed at the end of 2019 showed oil in the lower plug. Within three emails, a new cylinder assembly is being shipped to me under warranty. No interrogation, no finger pointing, no excuses, just good old fashion customer service. Thank you Superior Air Parts.
On of my new Millennium cylinders installed at the end of 2019 showed oil in the lower plug. Within three emails, a new cylinder assembly is being shipped to me under warranty. No interrogation, no finger pointing, no excuses, just good old fashion customer service. Thank you Superior Air Parts.

I had a similar issue (found a broken ring) and received similar service. Sent me a whole new cyl assy. It took two weeks, as they had no stock and even sent the replacement overnight Sat delivery to help get me back in the air.

Good folks indeed.

Lucky you didn't have a bad crankshaft.

I wish that I could be thankful like yourself. Unfortunately they didn’t come through when the FAA issued AD 2020-25-12 (Crankshaft AD).
The FAA says that crankshaft failures resulted from “residual white layer formation, also known as a compound layer, on certain crankshaft assemblies as a result of improper manufacturing.
I was lucky and was able to buy a new crankshaft when the AD first came out and I’m back in the air but the crank alone was 5K.