Darren Kerns

Well Known Member
I don't know if I posted this in the correct spot but I wanted to let everyone know Rob Hickman is a class act!!

My AFS 3400 MFD screen froze on me the other day. I sent it in to Rob and one week later back in plane and working great. He said sometimes they will do that.

No charge. He even installed a reset button on the back of it if it ever does it again.

Thank You Rob for providing great customer support. I was having plane withdrawal and last night it ended.

Great flight in N599DT

Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT
I had a similar event. I needed some replacement parts that "grew legs and walked away" from when I got the parts and now that I need them in the build. I gave them a call on Monday afternoon and they were in my mailbox when I got home on Wednesday, from Oregon to south Texas. Talk about service.
True enough

One of the reasons for installing AFS 5500T's in my new ride. Some of the finest people in the business. Love the family owned businesses.