
Well Known Member
Every once in a while, I'm reminded of the pleasure we all enjoy on this list directly as a result of the work that Doug and others provide to moderate these forums. As a past long time member of the Matronics list, I occasionaly scan the archives over there for useful bits of information. Recently, there was another classic Matronics "flame war" over a simple question about venting your crankcase. If you are so inclined, you can check out http://www.matronics.com/listbrowse/rv-list/index.html and look for "breather run into exhaust" if you have an hour to kill.

I am sooooo glad to not be a part of that anymore. Thank you Doug once again for providing all of us a safe haven for respectful discourse on all things RV.
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f1rocket said:
Every once in a while, I'm reminded of the pleasure we all enjoy on this list directly as a result of the work that Doug and others provide to moderate these forums. As a past long time member of the Matronics list, I occasionaly scan the archives over there for useful bits of information. Recently, there was another classic Matronics "flame war" over a simple question about venting your crankcase. If you are so inclined, you can check out http://www.matronics.com/listbrowse/rv-list/index.html and look for "breather run into exhaust" if you have an hour to kill.
I am sooooo glad to not be a part of that anymore. Thank you Doug once again for providing all of us a safe haven for respectful discourse on all things RV.
Amen brother! Randy, you hit the nail on the head, the goal is a forum for "respectful discourse on all things RV". Monitoring/managing content rather than taking a Matronics style anyone-can-post-anything approach is indeed a fine line to walk, but Doug has managed to pull it off in fine fashion and we all benefit from it with higher quality content.
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My 2 cents

I am in total agreement with the above, in addition to the friendliness and decorum, I am unendingly and utterly amazed the the depth and breadth of information here in the "VAF data base"

Thanks to Doug for making it possible, and thanks to all who participate for the information here.


I have pondered for awhile on what makes these forums so unique, and what that elusive quality of "Civility" really means. For me, it all comes down to this....it's OK to criticize "things"....but don't criticize "people". Go back and read contentious threads on this or other forums, and I think that you'll see that little test really works - as long as we argue about methods, techniques, hardware, etc....it might get a little warm, but no one really takes offense. Once someone starts using terms that imply that they are criticizing the person (saying an idea is "stupid" implies the person is.....), then it no longer becomes fun!

I also like to mention that along with Doug's leadership in setting the tone for this place, it really is the population of the membership that does a marvelous job. Doug and I have chatted, and we guess that maybe 0.01% of posts even get moderators attention, and less than that are ever touched. That says a huge amount about this community's commitment to keeping it special!

Boy, you drive out to the airport at lunch and you come back to this!

Thank you! :eek:

I have to say that 'keeping the civility' is actually quite easy given all the help this forum has. I still get the occasional 'hot' email, but that comes with the territory. I think Bob's article on 'communities within communities' was a great read, and spot on.

I have a lot of friends and I don't ever take that for granted.

I don't make many comments, but I have to chime in on this one, I agree with what's already been said. This is a great place to relax and discuss our avocations! The vast majority of comments are constructive, informative, and helpful! Like many of you I have enough stress and conflict in my day job, I certainly don't want to experience that here!
Second the thanks to Doug

I agree that this forum is certainly one of the best; thanks Doug for all you do.

That being said, even here of course "stuff" happens. As a very early newbie, in the pre-build phase, I innocently posted a concern about the nosegear tipping issue (I had no idea what I was stepping in). One of the "big time" regular posters told me that I was clearly not cut out to build an RV-9, because I hadn't learned to land without mistakes. In fact, he told me that I disrespected airplane in general. It was a bit discouraging for someone unfamiliar with Experimental aviation.

After that posting I've tried to stick to factual or question type posts, which I find the forums very useful for.
Worth pointing out, I think, that the birth of VAF comes -- as I recall -- as a result of some of the flaming of the RV List. I think Doug started the group on Yahoo as a result of that. And that morphed into VAF.

Back on the old Yahoo -- on which I was a moderator -- there was a lot of discussions about moderating.

There were, to be fair, a few, ummm, jerks on there too. And they were always the ones bellowing about how they didn't need moderating.

Moderation comes in many forms. There's the "comments don't get posted until approved" method. But there's also the "whack the guy upside the head off the list" method which works even better.

The point is, while the fact the list here is mild is a testament to the people who post here (although, curiously enough, some of the folks who were involved in the RV List brouhaha also post here and have had a few, shall we say, borderline posts), I think the real reason is the moderators who also are very thorough in their approach, and have made the standards known.

Overall, the key is the same as it always was: stay away from politics, stay away from religion, and you're 2/3s of the way "there"
Bob Collins said:
Overall, the key is the same as it always was: stay away from politics, stay away from religion, and you're 2/3s of the way "there"
AMEN and Hallelujah to that!! I vote for Doug Reeves for President!! :D :D :p :p
Glad I didn't....

Get involved on the Matronics list - that is. Especially after seeing that post - lots of unnecessary nastiness. Years ago, I went thru the Matronics list and found navigating through it required a lot of reading of duplicate posts and sifting thru the same info over and over again. While it was nice of Matronics to put together a forum, but it doesn't hold a candle to what Doug has created here. The user friendliness of the Matronics vs. DR's site is like the difference in ease of navigation using an old ADF vs. a Garmin 496. It just doesn't hold a candle to DR's site.

Doug, you've done an excellent job on the site continually keeping it an interesting and friendly forum. All my friends know I have a mouth like a sailor sometimes, but I appreciate that this is not the place for it and enjoy seeing what everyone is up to each day with largely friendly and positive responses from most everyone. After all we are all passionate about aviation and have our opinions - nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree as long as it is in a respectful manner. I now have even more appreciation for the VAF rules and moderators after seeing that post.
I follow a few different aviation forums and lists and most of the flame wars revolve around one individual. This forum is able to control that type of behaviour and thus I find it quite a bit more useful.
I am off on a 1800nm trip to the west coast with my wife in our EVO1 (F1 with a tapered wing) and I will write a report when I return.
RVbySDI said:
snip....I vote for Doug Reeves for President!! :D :D :p :p
Oh, dear Lord NO! They wouldn't let me fly my RV as President. And, how would the TFR work with me in formation with my friends?

[dry humor ON]
I call any RV I'm in "Van's Air Force One"
[dry humor OFF]

Sounds of people going "Arrrrrrrrrhhhhh....."

I've waited awhile to say that....:)
It works because of Doug

The VAF is a success because there is vision for what it is to accomplish. Doug has created the vision, set guidelines (people like to break rules but they will abide by guidelines), monitored the activity with quality moderators, and set the standard of excellence for the entire site.

That is why it works.

It starts at the top and works its way down. Doug has set the example of a good leader instead of a manager!
I have learned an awful lot by referring to the forums. Thanks for a great system, Doug.
Have a great day.

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
RV9A 942WG (reserved) O-235 slider in paint stage
RV9A 942PT (reserved) O-320 tip-up in wiring stage
RVbySDI said:
I vote for Doug Reeves for President!!

Oh no...the required "handlers" would probably make him cut off his pony tail, and then he'd lose all his magic powers.....and THEN where would we all be?!?! :eek:

And I second Louise's thanksfor the match-making service....it sure is less expensive than Eharmony or Match!!! (And I doubt they would have understood what an RV was....) ;)

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Ironflight said:
And I second Louise's thanksfor the match-making service....it sure is less expensive than Eharmony or Match!!! (And I doubt they would have understood what an RV was....) ;)

Hey, not so loud - my wife will NEVER let me on VAF if she thinks it's a matchmaking service! :D

(It's really cool how this is working out for you two)
Match Making Service

I can just see Doug on TV:

"We align your co-pilot on 12 dimensions of compatability....important things like tailwheel preference, skill at bucking rivets, ability to read a folded Sectional chart, tuning small radio knobs, and more...." :D
Internet post bashing/flaming seems to occur much the same way as road rage. Your at your computer, safe from REAL confrontation, just like behind the wheel. Put the same individuals together in a discussion group and be amazed at the civility and control they exhibit in what they say face to face.

Some gripe about the rules of this forum as being censored, reading the very innappropriate comment made on the thread that inspired this post does not have any place in our world, censor away all you want on that kind of ignorant and hurtful comments. Randy's response of "Amen Brother" makes a bold and encompassing statement that goes a long way in this "Brotherhood".

Ever notice we tend not to "flame' each other in person? I Wonder why?