Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
I just got an e-mail from AOPA, part of which I have copied here-------

"FAA TO ESTABLISH TFRs OVER BEALE AIR FORCE BASE THIS WEEK AOPA is sending this message to advise pilots in and near Marysville, California, that the FAA has issued security-related notams restricting flight on Tuesday, October 23, and Wednesday, October 24, for an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operation.

There will be a 10-nautical-mile-radius temporary flight restriction
(TFR) centered on the MYV VOR's 055-degree radial at 6.7 miles, extending from 4,100 feet msl up to Flight Level 180. It will be in effect during the following times:

--12:40 p.m. until 3:45 p.m. local
( http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/notams.html#7/0916 )

--12:10 p.m. until 3:15 p.m. local
( http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/notams.html#7/0920 )

Aircraft operating within the TFR must have a discrete transponder code assigned by air traffic control and must maintain radio contact with ATC."
Beale TFRs

These seem to be coming on a weekly basis now. I've simply crossed Marysville off my lunch list.
Those are my Global Hawk brothers at Beale AFB. In 2006 they began operating the UAV's, taking off from Beale and flying into the nearby MOA's. The TFR's are established to allow them to safely climb out and descend back into Beale's class D airspace. I am involved in flight testing these aircraft at Edwards AFB, then delivering them to the customer (Air Combat Command) at Beale. So, you can expect the TFR's to pop up nearly every week for the forseeable future. In 20 years, you will see UAV's flying all over the US into military and civilian airfields. You are fortunate to be witnessing the birth of this industry right in the foothills around Marysville. :)

Chuck Olsen
RV-7A at TSP
Global Hawk Pilot
No offense, but does that mean the Airspace all over the US will be restricted to GA in the future?
There is a large effort underway to create a common see-and-avoid technology (or sense-and-avoid) for all UAV's operating in National airspace. Hopefully as the technology matures, the need for TFR's will shrink.
Another round-----

More of the same--------from AOPA.


SPECIAL NOTICE: TFRs OVER BEALE AIR FORCE BASE FOR SEVERAL NIGHTS AOPA is sending this message to advise pilots in and near Marysville, California, that the FAA has issued security-related notams restricting flight in the area each night from Friday, October 26, through Sunday, October 28. See AOPA Online for a graphical depiction of the restriction ( http://www.aopa.org/images/notams/7-4063.gif ).

Similar temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) are anticipated for Monday night, October 29, and Tuesday night, October 30. The TFRs will be in place for unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operations supporting the fire-fighting effort.


SIZE: 10-nm-radius TFR
4,100 feet msl up to 18,000 feet msl

LOCATION: Centered on the MYV VOR's 055-degree radial at 6.7 nm

EFFECTIVE TIMES: Nightly from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 a.m. local
Friday, October 26, to Sunday, October 28

View each night's notam, with AOPA's plain-language explanation
Friday ( http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/notams.html#7/2061 )
Saturday ( http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/notams.html#7/2060 )
Sunday ( http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/notams.html#7/2057 )

AOPA will post the remaining three notams, along with plain-language explanations ( http://www.aopa.org/whatsnew/notams.html#ca ), as soon as possible after they are issued. Graphical depictions will also be available.