All perfectly OK

A beautifully filmed piece of acro but there is nothing that is pushing the limits here..although I would like to see the ASI during some of those snaps on the downlines..

He didn't even spin it inverted haha..see thread below.

And of course unles one has a waiver you would never be that close to the ground.

Here are some of mine which are basically the same thing minus a good vertical roll and snaps on the downline.

The RV will pull about 1600 feet at economy cruise power during the loop..Thats looks camparibale to what we see in that vid.

Nice job, he is a pretty good acro jock and the filming is outstanding.

As I've said before..........

......these airplanes have way more capability than most of their pilots. This is some of the best acro I've seen in an RV....that and Groucho's/Frank's.

Come to 2J3 next weekend for some serious aerobatic dual in a Pitts S2 that can hover vertically.

Hi Frank,

That's some nice flying !! Can you give me some details on your engine. I am researching which size Lycoming to use and I don't think the 150 HP 0-320 is enough.

Is the 160 HP enough to pull a loop without having to dive first ? Is the 180 HP the better choice ? Is the extra weight of the 180 HP Lyc cause other issues ?


Hi Darren.......

......The 180 H.P. engine is really the engine of choice. Better re-sale, better performance and so on. You can always throttle back but the 0-360 can loop from cruise and doesn't burn any more fuel than an 0-320 at the same speed.

You won't regret putting in an 0-360 but you might regret it if you go 0-320.
I'm not knocking the 160 HP airplanes but this is my opinion.

cool video

Nice video but I would rather hear the engine than the music. The 160 hp RV will loop from level flight. Some years ago I was told not to do snap manueveurs in my rv-4 but from what I am reading and seeing I guess alot of guys are doing them.

Chris Murphy RV-4

Pierre is right the 180hp motor is the way to go..I don't know if the extra few ponies with the extra weight of the angle valve 360's or 390's is worth it or not.

Having said that I do all my acro at economy cruise power running LOP..and sure I dive to 160kts for loops..and I'm sure you can run the O320 the same way.

If I had my choice I'd but a 540 in it...:)
