Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
There is a new race being set up in northeastern Texas. I think the name of the place is Sherman. No details yet but it is scheduled for the middle of April (Check calendar of events for emerging details). Even with the sketchy info four planes are planning to participate - half of them RVs.

Man these texas pilots like to race!

Bob Axsom
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Latest Info

Here is the just posted information (3-15-08) ( At the site actual turn photos etc. are included.

Bob Axsom



Check-in: 8:00a.m. - 9:00a.m.

Mandatory Briefing: 9:00a.m.

Race Start: 10:00a.m.

Weather Delayed Start: no later than 3:00p.m.

Race Pits on the Texoma Jet ramp.

Results and awards one hour after race finish.

Pilots must register to participate prior to April 19, 2008.

On line at:

By phone: 903-564-9410, 903-815-4959

There will be a $15.00 Check In fee per entry payable at check in.

Beverages and snacks will be provided to the racers at the race tent.

Trophies will be presented to the Fastest Time Posted by an Experimental entry and the Fastest Time Posted by a Factory entry.

The TEXOMA 100 AIR RACE will take place during the Country Cookin? Fly-In. Go to for complete details on all the good food and activities.

For Friday arrivals:

In Sherman choose from the Holiday Inn Express, LaQuinta, Comfort Inn and Hampton Inn. Limited courtesy vehicles and transportation will be available. PLEASE notify the race if you plan to arrive Friday. There will be a group dinner (non sponsored) to get the "hangar" flying started.


GYI Frequency: 122.7

Air Race Frequency: 122.75

Engine Start as directed by Ramp Marshall

You will be directed to taxi in speed order.

A starter will signal position and hold and then drop the flag for take off.

Departing South, make left turn out in pattern and make a 45 degree downwind departure to starting line.

Departing North, straight out departure, right turn to starting line.

Fly to the start line climbing no higher than . Cross start line at 1250MSL.

Make timing run call on 122.75, "Race ___, approaching start line." Make second call crossing the start line, "Race___, on the start line."

Start line is: McKeon Private Airstrip located 2.7nm northeast of GYI. Fly west to east across the grass strip. The airstrip is the timing line.

After crossing start line, on course direct to Antlers Municipal-80F.

Antlers Municipal-80F Identification Turn

Identification Run:

Five miles out: On 122.9, "Race___, five miles Southwest from Antlers for turn."

One mile out: On 122.9, "Race___, one mile Southwest from Antlers for turn."

Cross the runway at 1575MSL and announce, "Race___, over the runway for turn."

Cross the runway and turn left on course to Lake Texoma F31. DO NOT re-cross the runway after turn.

Lake Texoma-F31 Identification Turn

Identification Run:

Five miles out: On 122.9, "Race___, five miles East from Lake Texoma for turn."

One mile out: On 122.9, "Race___, one mile East from Lake Texoma for turn."

Cross the runway at 1793MSL and announce, "Race___, crossing runway for turn."

Once past runway, left turn on course for the finish line. Do not re-cross runway at anytime.

Finish Line:

Five miles out: On, "Race___, five miles out for finish line."

One mile out: On 122.9, "Race___, one mile out for finish line."

Cross over runway from north to south.

Cross finish line at 1250MSL and announce, "Race___, crossing finish line."

Return to GYI. If traffic permits, a celebratory pass may be made down the active no lower than 950MSL
Plotter the race course

I just finished plotting the race course on my sectional with two passes from one side to another (oh well it's good practice) and I noticed that the start is not far from Dallas. So I thought I would look for the famous 52F I see mentioned at this site fairly regularly. It is only 48 nautical miles from the race base "Grayson County" GYI. Hope some of you folks can make it.

Bob Axsom
No I had not

It is great that you guys are getting a race in out in California. I like the "Fastest ..." category and the other one assures good support from the airport for the fuel business it generates (that is important). Air-to-air is mentioned so I assume the race frequency is 122.75 mHz. The course will be more challenging than our tipical low altitude relatively flat land in the midwest. I have a lot of respect for those mountains between Apple Valley and Daggett. The two VORs used to be very highly used by traffic between LA and Las Vegas but the transient traffic is fairly high. CHP flights trying to catch speeders on the desert interstate highways is something to keep your eyes open for. Communication protocol will be covered in the prerace brief I'm sure but the marshall needs a "heads up" from the inbound racers and the racers need "good finish" confirmation from the marshall. At low altitude in excess of 200 mph it is difficult to see flat desert airports until you are very close and trying to hit the threshold for runway 26 is pretty demanding - crossing over the airport at any point would certainly be easier on the pilots.
Good luck in the race!

See you in Taylor, TX on the 29th.

Bob Axsom
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These are the classes

These are the classes for the race. Actually your motorcycle engine powered RV-3 could be entered in the Sprint class.

Bob Axsom


Any Experimental Category aircraft with a turbine engine, unlimited SHP (Shaft Horse Power). Class winners in both Fixed and Retractable gear.


Any Experimental Category aircraft with a turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction) engine with a displacement of 1400 cubic inches or less. Class winners in both Fixed and Retractable gear.


Any Experimental Category aircraft with a normally aspirated engine with a displacement of 1000 cubic inches or less.


Any Experimental Category aircraft with 550 cubic inch displacement normally aspirated with Fixed Landing Gear for RV-10s, F-1 Rocket, Harmon Rocket II etc.

Biplane Unlimited

Any aircraft having two main lifting wings, to include a tandem configuration, factory or experimental, with an engine displacement of 1400 cubic inches or less and can be turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction).

Biplane Sport

Any aircraft having two main lifting wings, to include a tandem configuration, factory or experimental, using a normally aspirated engine with a displacement of 1000 cubic inches or less.

Biplane Blue

Any aircraft having two main lifting wings, to include a tandem configuration, factory or experimental, with an engine displacement of 360 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated.

Biplane Red

Any aircraft having two main lifting wings, to include a tandem configuration, factory or experimental, with an engine displacement of 320 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated.

RG Blue

Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 360 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated, with retractable landing gear.

RG-T Blue

Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 360 cubic inches or less, turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction), with retractable landing gear.

RG Red

Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 320 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated, with retractable landing gear.

RG-T Red

Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 320 cubic inches or less, turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction), with retractable landing gear.

FX Blue

Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 360 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated, with at least two fixed landing gear.

FX-T Blue

Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 360 cubic inches or less, turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction), with at least two fixed landing gear.

FX Red

Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 320 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated, with at least two fixed landing gear.

FX-T Red

Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 320 cubic inches or less, turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction), with at least two fixed landing gear.

RV Blue

Open to Van's aircraft RV-3, RV-4, RV-6, RV-6A, RV-7, RV-7A, RV-8, RV-8A, RV-9, and RV-9A airplanes powered with an engine of 360 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated.

RV-T Blue

Open to Van's aircraft RV-3, RV-4, RV-6, RV-6A, RV-7, RV-7A, RV-8, RV-8A, RV-9, and RV-9A airplanes powered with an engine of 360 cubic inches or less, turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction).

RV Red

Open to Van's aircraft RV-3, RV-4, RV-6, RV-6A, RV-7, RV-7A, RV-8, RV-8A, RV-9, and RV-9A airplanes powered with an engine of 320 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated.

RV-T Red

Open to Van's aircraft RV-3, RV-4, RV-6, RV-6A, RV-7, RV-7A, RV-8, RV-8A, RV-9, and RV-9A airplanes powered with an engine of 320 cubic inches or less, turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction).


Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 240 cubic inches or less, normally aspirated.


Any Experimental Category aircraft with an engine displacement of 240 cubic inches or less, turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction).


Any Experimental Category aircraft using a VW or Corvair normally aspirated engine conversion


Any Experimental Category aircraft using a VW or Corvair turbo/super-charged (any forced-induction) engine conversion
Start order with estimated speeds

The message below is from Mike Thompson who is the Sport Air Racing League founder and chairman. It should be of general interest because it lists the predicted speeds in mph. The Mooney Race# 00 is a factory entry I believe. 222 mph is going to be impressive.

Bob Axsom

Texoma Racers,

I'm sending this out for Pat - here is the tentative start order for the Texoma race.
I try during the race year to "recalibrate" everyone's race speed based on your performance race-to-race, but there are also many first time racers with us at Texoma.

Remember, these speeds will be used for the launch order which we try to do fastest first.

Please let me know if you expect to run faster OR slower than the speed we have down for you.

See you next weekend!

Race # Speed Name Aircraft Class

Race 74 290 Duncan Sutherland SX300 "Shadow" Sport
Race 007 288 Rene' Dugas Turbo Legend "Legend 007" Turbine
Race 79 280 Jim Robinson Glasair III Sport
Race 91 255 Bruce Hammer Glasair I TD "Red Dog" FX Blue
Race 36 251 Larry Henney Lancair 360 "Wildfire" RG Blue
Race 13 242 James Redmon Berkut 360 "Berkut 13" RG Blue
Race 52 234 Don Saint Glasair IIS FT FX Blue
Race 00 222 Unknown Mooney Acclaim FAC1RG-T
Race 84 220 Russell Sherwood Glasair I RG "Marilyn" Sprint
Race 24 210 Rich Guerra Velocity XL RG Sport
Race 526 210 Dave Christman RV-8 RV Blue
Race 34 207 Chris Murphy RV-4 RV Red
Race 51 204 Rick Pellicciotti Long EZ RG RG Red
Race 71 203 Bob Axsom RV-6A "Blue Bird" RV Blue
Race 53 199 Dale Burgdorf Bonanza V35 FAC1RG
Race 26 198 Mike Thompson RV-6 "El Lento" RV Blue
Race 83 197 Damon Berry RV-6 RV Blue
Race 77 197 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 FAC2RG
Race 06 186 Jim Hogue Mustang II "Sally" FX Red
Race 58 180 Charlie Heathco RV-6A "Tweetybird" RV Red
Race 05 172 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C "Little Red Racer" FAC4RG
Race 448 170 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 FAC3FX
Race 112 160 Stuart Morse Grumman AA5B "Tiger Lily" FAC4FX

Hmmm.... nobody signed up for the FAC5 class yet? That means even a lowly Cherokee 140 could possible stand a chance to win in its class :eek:

But then if I entered, some smart alec would enter a Grumman Traveller or Cheetah and smoke me.
I doubt that

If you contact Mike Thompson via join the organization (free) and enter the race you would win your class, get 100 points toward the national championship for 2008, and the class championship for 2008 and a medal for the particular rave class victory. Heady stuff, and a lot of fun.

Bob Axsom
Entry list on the morning of 4-18-08

The entry list for tomorrow's (4-19-08) race at GYI airport in Sherman, TX has grown to 23 with another Bonanza joining the field.

Bob Axsom

The following racers have registered for the
Texoma 100 Air Race as of 18 April, 2008:

Race # Name Aircraft Class
Race 007 Rene' Dugas Turbo Legend "Legend 007" Turbine
Race 24 Rich Guerra Velocity XL RG Sport
Race 74 Duncan Sutherland SX300 "Shadow" Sport
Race 79 Jim Robinson Glasair III Sport
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 "Berkut 13" RG Blue
Race 36 Larry Henney Lancair 360 "Wildfire" RG Blue
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair I TD "Red Dog" FX Blue
Race 06 Jim Hogue Mustang II "Sally" FX Red
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 "El Lento" RV Blue
Race 71 Bob Axsom RV-6A "Blue Bird" RV Blue
Race 83 Damon Berry RV-6 RV Blue
Race 526 Dave Christman RV-8 RV Blue
Race 34 Chris Murphy RV-4 RV Red
Race 58 Charlie Heathco RV-6A "Tweetybird" RV Red
Race 84 Russell Sherwood Glasair I RG "Marilyn" Sprint
Race 53 Dale Burgdorf Bonanza V35 FAC1RG
Ra ce 72 Chester Jurskis Bonanza S35 FAC1RG
Race 00 Patrick Rydzewski Mooney Accclaim FAC1RG-T
Race 77 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 FAC2RG
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 FAC3FX
Race 05 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C "Little Red Racer" FAC4RG
Race 00 Grant Rubinson Diamond DA40 FAC4FX
Race 112 Stuart Morse Grumman AA5B "Tiger Lily" FAC4FX
Race Results

It was a great race. I just got home and I'm tied so I am just going to add the speeds in knots for each racer:

Race # Name Aircraft Class - Speed
Race 007 Rene' Dugas Turbo Legend "Legend 007" Turbine - 268.34
Race 24 Rich Guerra Velocity XL RG Sport - 184.05
Race 74 Duncan Sutherland SX300 "Shadow" Sport - 256.12
Race 79 Jim Robinson Glasair III Sport - Scratched
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 "Berkut 13" RG Blue - 212.06
Race 36 Larry Henney Lancair 360 "Wildfire" RG Blue - 229.36
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair I TD "Red Dog" FX Blue - 230.06
Race 06 Jim Hogue Mustang II "Sally" FX Red - 166.42
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 "El Lento" RV Blue - 180.72
Race 71 Bob Axsom RV-6A "Blue Bird" RV Blue - 188.36
Race 83 Damon Berry RV-6 RV Blue - 185.11
Race 526 Dave Christman RV-8 RV Blue - 192.88
Race 34 Chris Murphy RV-4 RV Red - 183.67
Race 58 Charlie Heathco RV-6A "Tweetybird" RV Red - 161.75
Race 84 Russell Sherwood Glasair I RG "Marilyn" Sprint - Scratched
Race 53 Dale Burgdorf Bonanza V35 FAC1RG - 186.49
Race 72 Chester Jurskis Bonanza S35 FAC1RG - 174.43
Race 8 Patrick Rydzewski Mooney Accclaim FAC1RG-T - 187.27
Race 77 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 FAC2RG - 180.29
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 FAC3FX - 147.44
Race 05 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C "Little Red Racer" FAC4RG - 153.58
Race 00 Grant Rubinson Diamond DA40 FAC4FX - 148.96
Race 112 Stuart Morse Grumman AA5B "Tiger Lily" FAC4FX - 151.01
Race 17 Wynn Harris RV-4 RV Blue 181.60
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Thanks Joel

Wow, I feel a little better now. We enjoyed it very much. I will rearrange the information by classes and provide some personal observations. Pat Purcell was the organizer of this race and she went out and got volunteers and helpers to make it a success. She loves air racing though she no longer flies in the races. She made sure that every one got a race medal, a T-shirt and a package of goodies from the sponsors.

The start finish line was VERY difficult to find. It was a near by grass strip in a sea of green grass and trees out of a downwind turn from runway 34 but the excellent timing crew caught everyone's start time. If they had not it would have been a disaster. Start time at the departure end of the runway would have been better.

I talked to Bruce Hammer quite a bit and learned that his trip with his severely injured brother Steve to camp at Sun 'n' Fun went went very well. I think it was a special event in the lives of these close racing brothers. For those of you that do not know Steve fell out of a tree in Florida onto his concrete driveway and broke many many bones including his skull. The advise from the EAA on the FAA view is that he will not be able to fly his plane for a couple of years even though his neurologist said as far as he can determine medically that would not be necessary. Bruce told me that will be very hard on Steve but a couple of doctors said that it is amazing that he survived the injuries at all. I predict that Bruce will continue to carry the banner of the Hammer Brothers Racing Team until they are 1 and 2 in the FX Blue class again. These are some very special people.

Speaking of nice people you could not find a better group than the participants in this race.

OK, here is the order of finish by class in Race # Name Aircraft Class - Speed format:

Race 007 Rene' Dugas Turbo Legend "Legend 007" Turbine - 268.34 kts
Race 74 Duncan Sutherland SX300 "Shadow" Sport - 256.12 kts
Race 24 Rich Guerra Velocity XL RG Sport - 184.05 kts
Race 79 Jim Robinson Glasair III Sport - Scratched

RG Blue
Race 36 Larry Henney Lancair 360 "Wildfire" RG Blue - 229.36 kts
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 "Berkut 13" RG Blue - 212.06 kts

FX Blue
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair I TD "Red Dog" FX Blue - 230.06 kts

FX Red
Race 06 Jim Hogue Mustang II "Sally" FX Red - 166.42 kts

RV Blue
Race 526 Dave Christman RV-8 RV Blue - 192.88 kts
Race 71 Bob Axsom RV-6A "Blue Bird" RV Blue - 188.36 kts
Race 83 Damon Berry RV-6 RV Blue - 185.11 kts
Race 17 Wynn Harris RV-4 RV Blue 181.60 kts
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 "El Lento" RV Blue - 180.72 kts

RV Red
Race 34 Chris Murphy RV-4 RV Red - 183.67 kts
Race 58 Charlie Heathco RV-6A "Tweetybird" RV Red - 161.75 kts

Race 84 Russell Sherwood Glasair I RG "Marilyn" Sprint - Scratched

Factory 1 RG
Race 53 Dale Burgdorf Bonanza V35 FAC1RG - 186.49 kts
Race 72 Chester Jurskis Bonanza S35 FAC1RG - 174.43 kts

Factory 1 RG - Turbo
Race 8 Patrick Rydzewski Mooney Accclaim FAC1RG-T - 187.27 kts

Factory 2 RG
Race 77 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 FAC2RG - 180.29 kts

Factory 3 FX
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 FAC3FX - 147.44 kts

Factory 4 RG
Race 05 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C "Little Red Racer" FAC4RG - 153.58 kts

Factory 4 FX
Race 112 Stuart Morse Grumman AA5B "Tiger Lily" FAC4FX - 151.01 kts
Race 00 Grant Rubinson Diamond DA40 FAC4FX - 148.96 kts

Bob Axsom
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Results By Time copied from website:

Race # Name Aircraft Speed (MPH)/Speed (KTS)
Race 007 Rene' Dugas Turbo Legend 308.86/ 268.34
Race 74 Duncan Sutherland SX300 294.79/ 256.12
Race 91 Bruce Hammer Glasair I TD 264.80/ 230.06
Race 36 Larry Henney Lancair 360 263.99/ 229.36
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 256.03/ 222.44
Race 526 Dave Christman RV-8 222.00/ 192.88
Race 71 Bob Axsom RV-6A 216.80/ 188.36
Race 08 Pat. Rydzewski Mooney Acclaim 215.55/ 187.27
Race 53 Dale Burgdorf Bonanza V35 214.65/ 186.49
Race 83 Damon Berry RV-6 213.06/ 185.11
Race 24 Rich Guerra Velocity XL RG 211.84/ 184.05
Race 34 Chris Murphy RV-4 211.40/ 183.67
Race 17 Winn Harris RV-4 209.02/ 181.60
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 208.01/ 180.72
Race 77 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 207.51/ 180.29
Race 72 Chester Jurskis Bonanza S35 200.77/ 174.43
Race 06 Jim Hogue Mustang II FX Red 191.55/ 166.42
Race 58 Charlie Heathco RV-6A 186.17/ 161.75
Race 05 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C 176.77/ 153.58
Race 112 Stuart Morse Grumman AA5B 173.81/ 151.01
Race 09 Grant Rubinson Diamond DA40 171.45/ 148.96
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 169.70/ 147.44
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Sounds like everyone had a good and safe race. Here are some pics I took. Could not stay too long. Had to catch a plane to LA. Hope everyone likes the pics and you can look at the post above to figure the times out and who won their class.
Save me a spot because I will be there in about 3 years..:)
Thanks for the Photos

I think every one had a great time. The secret to the other form of great time was flying outbound to Antlers Oklahoma at 3,000 ft MSL then dropping down to 500 ft AGL on the leg to Lake Texoma then staying low for the short run south to the finish.

I flew down from Northwest Arkansas the morning of the race and with the check-in and race briefing I did not even get my camera out of the bagage compartment. Mine is the dark blue RV-6A with the red and white trim. Mike Thompson is the Chairman of the Sport Air Racing League (RV-6, Race #26) and he was trying to locate someone with photographs of the race for the website - can he use yours? You can join up free right now and get a race number locked in at then enter the races when you get your plane done. There are a few two digit numbers remaining I believe.

Bob Axsom
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He can use the pics. I need race # P if possible.
I have been talking with James Redmon #13 on using a Letter instead
of a #.

The best pic I have is a race car with this # ?

Videos coming as soon as I can stay for a race.