
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I hate to jinx things, but the weather forcecast for Texas looks amazingly good for the weekend...anyone want to meet somewhere for lunch on Saturday or Sunday? Or are folks still hung over from all that Oshkosh flying?

Haven't been for a burger at New Braunfels for awhile...

Since I live just north of New Braunfels I can drive down. :mad: I'd love to see your plane! (As well as any others who come down.) Let me know what you decide.

(619) 889-5739 (San Deigo cell number but don't let that dissuade you from calling.) :D
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If you are interested

A few of us from San Antonio are planning on Llano for Sunday lunch at Cooper's.

check notams for Llano. There is an aerobatic comp. there now but i think it ends sat afternoon.. Just FYI.. They may have something going on sun as well and if so, may have different pattern if the box is active...
This also means lots of cool aerobatic planes to see there this weekend,and they will all be going to town to eat so courtesy car may be unavailable.

I may go to one of the above mentioned places, please keep us posted on where and when yall decide.

flying bonanza
building rv8
I think I'll try New Braunfels Saturday at noon - who knows, might show up at Llano on Sunday as well! Just feel like a burger rather than BBQ....
Krash out, Iron. Formation practice 0830 followed by yoga instructor induced babysitting duty (YIIBD). You guys have fun!


When are you gonna finish those pristine, uncrated (when you bought them) wings? :D

We need photos....I never saw what was in the crates :eek:

Take care,
txaviator said:
When are you gonna finish those pristine, uncrated (when you bought them) wings? :D

We need photos....I never saw what was in the crates :eek:

Take care,
Gary, I've got some photos for you but can't locate your email address. :eek: Please contact me at the one listed below. :D
Paul - there are three or four RV's going to Llano Sunday (Aug 5) if you are interested. Steve F. is coming in his OSH award winning RV-8. Plan on being there at 11:00.

RV-10 N410MR
Mark said:
Paul - there are three or four RV's going to Llano Sunday (Aug 5) if you are interested. Steve F. is coming in his OSH award winning RV-8. Plan on being there at 11:00.

RV-10 N410MR

Thanks Mark!

I did fly out to New Braunfels for lunch today, and then when I got back drained oil and did some other FWF maintenance that was due - I have to finish that up in the morning before I can fly anywhere, so if you see me, you see me...if not - enjoy the BBQ. :D



You don't know how close the wife and I came this morning to flying from N.E Georgia out to have lunch with you in New Barnsmells! (Kids live in Lockhart.) Oddly enough, we'd have had tailwinds all the way. and probably tailwinds on the way back tomorrow too.

Figured $600 bucks (gas, motel,etc) was a little too much for a hamburger though.