Louise Hose

Well Known Member
"Event News
Date and Location for 'Tex '08' Has Been Set: May 17th at KJWY
...from Aubrey Price, "...here is the fly-in information. A group of us have decided to host the event this year in Midlothian (KJWY). The fly-in will be May 17. The FBO (Southern Star Aviation) has agreed to lowering the fuel price ( It's already Low ) and cook BBQ for the fly-in. The food will be paid for by donations. Anyone that would like to come in early is welcome. We will arrange for coffee, doughnuts, etc. We will be there by 6:30 AM. This is an old fashion get together and talk about airplanes. There should be (2) DC-3 ( I fly them ) and (3) T-28's."
[ed. The 'TEX' fly-in is a laid back social event. Nothing on the schedule except show up, visit with friends, eat and look at RVs. Leave when you're ready...]"

Okay, are any of you Texan RVers planning on showing up this year? Or, am I going to have to fly Mikey down from D.C. to once again take all the prizes?:D:D:D
snip.....Okay, are any of you Texan RVers planning on showing up this year? Or, am I going to have to fly Mikey down from D.C. to once again take all the prizes?:D:D:D

OK, I know a challenge when I read one ! :)

See you there, Louise!

A quick safety note about JWY, particularly if you're arriving from the W / SW:

The Texas Soaring Association (TSA, what an unfortunate acronym these days) has a glider port about 5NM to the SW of JWY. The location is ideal for them since they're on the outside of the Class B. It can be located visually south of the quarry that is SW of JWY. It is listed as a private field on the sectional because, well, it is a private field.

I've flown across / by the gliderport several times and not thought twice about it. However, now that I'm a glider student there and fly the pattern, I've come to think more about how gliders and sailplanes interact.

Please be aware of glider and towplane traffic in the vicinity of TSA, particularly after noon when thermal activity picks up. Gliders will typically work from the field to the south to avoid the Class B, but are known to ride thermals in the vicinity of the airport, often with several in the same thermal.

TPA is about 1500 MSL and always east of the field. Unicom is 123.3.

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Ahhh, the TSA Glider Port! Before solo, I recall my CFI telling me "you just lost your engine". Uh-oh......It was simulated of course, and when I saw the glider port I headed in that direction (the winds were perfect for the strip).

I'll never forget how tiny that strip looked, as compared to say Arlington Municipal :D As I was on final, I kept asking "do I have my engine back"? No dice. Made a nice landing there, back-taxied, and then we powered up and I took off. My CFI was also an instructor there, so he said he used the strip for this purpose on many occassions- and, he knew there wasn't any activity there this particular day.

Anyway, good post! The TSA location is indeed VERY close the the TEX location.
Micro-Mini LOE

Add another fly-in to the joys of gallivanting about Texas. We woke up to a sunny sky and calm winds. Time to pack up the plane with a few drinks, couple of lawn chairs, and the camera.

The trip up was smooth and completely uneventful. The fly-in was extremely laid back. A very tasty lunch of BBQ brisket, potato salad, beans, and drinks was served about noon. Lots of great folks to converse with about airplanes, destinations, build styles, and all the other myriad of topics found at any other great event. Thanks to those that planned it, complete with voluntary ground crew.

It felt like a micro-mini LOE. What a fabulous day.

Pics at http://picasaweb.google.com/jscottcard/TEX08
Cool temps, calm wind, lots of RVs to look over, easy flight up and back, and really nice people to talk "RV" with----what we call a great day!!

We were back on the ramp in front of our hangar in Bulverde in 1:10--aren't these incredible machines! Just as we were pushing it into the hangar we had a light rain shower--timing is everything--and it was all good on Saturday!!


Photos from this weekend, both from the RV fly-in and a trip down to TSA:

My CT looks for some shade (it was hot!):

Good retro-USAF paint:

More retro: CCCP's answer to the C-47 and perhaps Partain's new delivery ... plane?

One of my favorite paint jobs: