
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Just back home (IT'S HOT HERE TODAY (100F)).

There were 80 RVs and 27 non-RVs. People came from as far away as Florida and California. I took 177 pictures and will go through them in a few hours (must shower). Met the other 'Doug Reeves' - honest to God that's his name (he lives in Plano, TX). Matthew Brandes came from Kansas. Paul Stratten (sp?) showed from Kansas City. Paul Rosales and his wife Victoria were there on their way back to CA.

Many thanks to Mark Rowe, Alex DeDominicis and all the others that make this event happen. Mark's church did the lunch and it was my honor to give one of the helpers that worked in the food line (a 14yr old girl named Lauren) her very first ride in a small airplane. All the helpers got rides courtesy Don Crum, Danny King, Alex DeDominics and others. Don Christiansen organized the parking and many of us took turns wearing the orange vests. The FBO was fabulous (I'm sure Mark will talk about this later). Thanks to Airborne Imaging for letting us use some of their hanger space.

This was a STRESS FREE, smoothly run get together, and great fun! Hope you can make it next time.

Photos to come...

A sneek peek:

Best always,
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It was a blast!

Had a GREAT time out there today! Arrived at 6:45 am, with my father. He and I looked around, and all we saw was the resident "shop cat" strolling the tarmac. I told my dad that within minutes, "RV's would be screaming in here like mad bee's." Low and behold, they came in droves!

What an awesome event! Great food, great people, TONS of RV's, and a nice sunburn just for grins! (footnote: I heard it was rainy, and 40-degrees at this event last year!).

****And a special thanks to Clay, for taking my dad for an awesome first RV flight, in his -9A.****

To everyone who worked so hard to put on this event, THANK YOU!!!!

We had a wonderful time.
Tex Rv Flyin

Well the 05' Tex RV FLYIN has come and gone and once again you can never outguess Texas weather. Last year we froze our tailfeathers off and this year, well you know the story because you were probably there. We had a great turnout. The final count amounted to 106 aircraft of which 80+ were RV's. I made a visual inspection of the parking lot and approx 75 cars were parked by drive in guests. I would say it was a sucess!!

We served up 125 Taquitoes ( which were hand made by Don and Linda Crum, Pete and Barbara Rowe and me and my wife Dana at 5:00 am yesterday morning). We hope you enjoyed them. IMHO far superior to pancakes. THe Holy Smokers of the First United Metodist Church Midlothian did a spectacular job of feeding us lunch. I did get a report from Bill Edminster(the ringleader and chief smoker) that after expenses they cleared $615 dollars which donated all to the youth mission fund. The RV family deserves a great big thank you for their generosity!!

I'll fill you in on more details tomorrow. Mark "Grezdlitn" Rowe
I heard only a few negative comments. "It's going to be hot and muggy today." I reminded these people of last years weather and said, "Look, it's not raining and we have gobbs of RVs to look at." There tone changed!
Texas Toast

I traveled to the great State of Texas from St. Louis on Friday. My transition training on Saturday with Ben Johnson of Mesquite gave us the perfect excuse to fly to and attend the Great Texas Fly-In for a few hours. The 80+ RV's that showed up was an astounding sight! At long last, I was able to connect a lot of familiar names with faces that day.

Just one thing: WHO ARE THESE GUYS?

Rick Galati RV-6A "Darla"
I think these guys saw all the airplanes landing and just wandered in off the road. One of them looks like he might have wandered in from California. (or some island somewhere)
I sure hope they were only "passengers" from the looks of them they could be the kind of guys who make prank phone calls to people.
Great Fly-in

What a great time! Flew in from Kansas City and had a wonderful time meeting everyone, many of whom I?ve ?talked? with via email for several years while building ?Geek One?. The food was great (and we know Barbeque in KC!) and the hospitality was terrific; Cam, the airport manager was kind enough to run me into town to pick up a rental car. Can?t wait until next year. And YES, Texas was hot!