
Well Known Member
For those of you who have successfully installed the Reed Switches (and they work) I have a question.......I'm having difficulty in making my switch see the magnet as per the directions on page 31-06. My question is, do you think there would be any harm in allowing the WD-1217C alluminum housing, which hold the magnet, to protrude further upward. Maybe as much as an 1/2". When I test my switch, that is how far it has to move upward before the switch detects the magnet. The switch is up againist the rib so I can't get the switch any closer. I've shortened the tube which holds WD-1217C so the small hole and switch is visable.
If the only goal here is to make sure the switch detects the magnet, which allows the engine to start, then I see no harm.
Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.
I enlarged the hole

in whatever piece the the top of the pin fits through. I also moved the reed switch forward in the cushion clamp to the point where it almost touches the pin. With those done, and the wings in place the light is off when the pin is latched and on as soon as it's outside the hole.

Wayne 120241
Wayne, If I understand enlarged the hole in the rib and then pushed the switch through the larger hole and had it touch the magnet housing. Is that correct? Thanks, Steve