
I'm New Here
I've stopped by the site several times but have never taken the time to learn how to search for information or use the various features available. So I thought I would start but posting a new thread.

I'm building an RV9a and I'm working on finishing up the fuselage and starting on the canopy. I've been building for 8 years and have maintained a separate web site (http://mysite.verizon.net/rvbuilder/n716dj/).

I hope to start using the site on a regular basis. I'm going to try uploading a photo from my photo sharing site.


Let's see if it worked.

Welcome to VAF!

Jerry, welcome to the good ship VAF:D

Big congrats on getting a photo into your very first post-----big achievement for many.

Good to have you aboard.
Boy, y'all are fast. FWIW, one of the reasons for posting was that I recently cracked by slider canopy while cutting it (ouch !!). I had to order another one (ouch again $$). Anyway, in hind site I know what I did wrong and would like to kick myself for being that stupid. As they say hind sight is 20/20.

Before I cut the 2nd canopy, I did a good bit more research and thinking and have some suggestions to pass along. In addition to my website, I thought the Forum would be a good place to describe my experience. My hope is to save some other eager sole from making such a dumb mistake. When I get some more time I'll write up the post and add a link to it.

Here is a picture of my first canopy. After the first crack occurred, I couldn't help myself and took out my frustration on what remained. It was too big to store anyways!

live 'n learn...'n learn.....'n learn sommore

Welcome Jerry.
I find one of the big benefits of this forum is the 'pause' effect.

....sometimes when you make a boo-boo, you leave the shop, go fire up VAF, and find someone else (often MANY others) have done the same thing.
For instance, some guys, after cracking their canopy, find they still have a perfectly useful, or even saleable windshield, depending on where the crack is!
Some have mounted it to their bench, crawled inside, and tested various canopy cracker tools on it ....for the education of us all!
There's LOTS more to learn about acrylic and canopies, some say it's the hardest part of the build, so come often and search for info...and post pictures, we love 'em. ( I'm sure the next will be of you braggin' about a newly completed part, right!?)
Hi Jerry,

Welcome aboard VAF. We are both building 9's (mine's a 9A) and we have one other unfortunate thing in common - we both cracked the canopy! That really hurt...my ego and my wallet. Now I have no ego and not much wallet left.

FWIW, I have a flying 9A at KXSA. If you have not had the pleasure of flying a 9A, you're welcome to come down and go flying. I see you're in No. VA - which covers a little area but if you're not in the 'red zone' (except for Leesburg) I might even be coerced to meet you on your home territory. I need most of the Aviation Ambassador stamps from that area.

The Nine is a really sweet flying plane - not twitchy at all, stable but nimble, and it does whatever you tell it...and it's up to you to keep it within the envelope. Sweet, simply sweet....and if you like crab cakes, there's a destination I need to try out.
Don, I used to check out your web site somewhat frequently but haven't been to it lately. I'd welcome the chance to go flying in the 9 and eat some crab cakes. I actually do reside in the "Hot Zone" but we have a second home on a private airstrip in Southern MD. The identifier is MD50 and it's just North of the Pautuxent River Naval Air Station. You do need to contact the tower at Pax since MD50 underlies their airspace, but it's a pretty simple process and it is outside the ADIZ. You can find more information at http://www.poacre.org/facility_detail.asp?id=1&name=Airport.

I'd be happy to meet you down there and introduce you to some of the homeowners/pilots. We have an RV8 and a 6 on the field. Probably could get a few folks to join us for lunch.

Anyways, no rush but if you are interested, shoot me an email at [email protected]