
Hi I get a bad rattle in the rear above 155kt, sounds like a bunch of spanners vibrating around in the rear bagage compartment but the plane is not vibrating, it got to be something In the exterior, anyone else having something similar?
Not sure if it is the same on the -8 but on the -7 if the rubber gap seal between the wing and fuselage comes loose at the rear it bangs against the fuselage and sounds like the aircraft is coming apart behind you (the banging is amplified by the fuselage tub), happens at the higher speeds. (ask me how I know, I about cr*pped myself :eek:)
Had the same, but it was from the left bottom. A bit of speed tape, and all is fine.
Aft Shelf

I have a separate battery access on the top of the aft shelf, and I think sometimes it rattles.
If you're certain it's not an aerodynamic driven noise, maybe try the old rubber mallet test (gently) to see if you can excite the vibration ....
Oil Canning of the Tail Cone Belly Skin is Common

Not sure if your noise is related, but many report very scary noises coming from the tail cone belly skin when doing aerobatics or sudden pitch changes. Many have suggested adding a stiffener [similar to those used inside the rudder] to eliminate the noise. That will work, for a time. However, unless the added stiffener is secured to the bulkheads, you are simply concentrating the stress at the tip of each stiffener. I am adding photos of how I did this on my 8A. As an added benefit, it gives you points to secure the wiring going to the tail.




I've often been accused of having a terrible rattle in the rear; usually it's something that I've eaten the night before...beans, broccoli, etc.

(Huge Smile)

In all seriousness -- is the "rattle" more of a buzz? does it change in frequency with airspeed?
Hi I get a bad rattle in the rear above 155kt, sounds like a bunch of spanners vibrating around in the rear bagage compartment but the plane is not vibrating, it got to be something In the exterior, anyone else having something similar?

It is probably the canopy fairing to fuselage. I've seen this on several RV-8s including mine.
Install a felt tape pad glued to the canopy skirt a half inch or so from the edge.
That will stop the buzz rattling and calm your nerves!
Thanks for the input, I’ll start with the easy part fixing the pretty likely ”skirt buzz ” as the rub marks from the skirt on the fuse looks worse after each fight.

It is probably the canopy fairing to fuselage. I've seen this on several RV-8s including mine.
Install a felt tape pad glued to the canopy skirt a half inch or so from the edge.
That will stop the buzz rattling and calm your nerves!

I had the same thing but it was just a buzz not a rattle. I went to the local auto parts store and got some 3M weatherstrip adhesive. It's rubber with adhesive on one side. I haven't had a noise since I installed it.
Skirt-buzz fixed! A strip of felt taped inside the rear part of the skirt did the trick, I dived up to Vne without any buzz, many thanks for the tip!
Skirt-buzz fixed! A strip of felt taped inside the rear part of the skirt did the trick, I dived up to Vne without any buzz, many thanks for the tip!

good news....its amazing how these "loose" things can buzz and vibrate. Got a call few days ago from a flight attendant on the airbus 320 saying they heard a loud humming and felt vibration around 12 DEF area. I wrote it up and the engineers found a 6 inch strip of wing root fairing rubber mach .78 they wiggle around a bit! good things to look for on the walk around.:)
good news....its amazing how these "loose" things can buzz and vibrate. Got a call few days ago from a flight attendant on the airbus 320 saying they heard a loud humming and felt vibration around 12 DEF area. I wrote it up and the engineers found a 6 inch strip of wing root fairing rubber mach .78 they wiggle around a bit! good things to look for on the walk around.:)

It seems that's another thing my RV-8 has in common with the A320 - lots of noise when the wing root fairing rubber strip comes loose!

Some McMaster-Carr sticky-backed D-rubber helps seal the rear canopy skirt, and stops the buzz.