
Well Known Member
Question for those of you who who are actively using GRT and AFS systems.

Where does the Terrain (for Synthetic Vision) and Obstacle data come from on each of these system? Is it held within the GRT or AFS systems? Or is it stored inside the Garmin 430/530 and then rendered on the EFIS screen?

I'm just curious to know what happens if GRT or AFS close the doors 3 years from now. Where would I get terrain and obstacle updates?

If they're from the Garmin, that's good. I have a little more confidence in their long-term viability. I'd like to know now and not 3 years from now.


(PS: Yeah I know I could buy the G900X if I'm okay with Garmin's viability. And that does weigh in to the decision down the road. Just want to make sure I understand all of the alternatives fully.)
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GRT uses a Flash Card

The GRT uses a flash card or you can have it reference a USB stick. You use the USB connector to upload to the Flash Card. You can also upload other things like approach plates.


No, they are just the standard stuff. I just bought another flash card to have the terrain on a second screen and it was twenty bucks from Amazon. As far as the data goes, I download it from their website. Poke around the support section of their website and you will get the idea.

As far as the other part of your question, if GRT goes under how do we update our databases, I don't know. I'm sure some more knowledgeable person than myself will chime in. It's a government database, what I don't know is how much tweaking it needs to be compatible with the GRT's. I don't think they are going anywhere, but it would be good to know.

Updates to map, vectors, terrain, and chart/approach information on the AFS system occurs by downloading the data from their website onto an SD card. Pop the SD card into the front of the AFS system and you are done. I believe this is Jeppesen based data.
I can't speak to the AFS units, as it's one EFIS I haven't had the chance to fly, but the GRT database comes from GRT - about every six months, they do an update and put it out on the web where we copy it to a standard thumb drive (much nicer than the custom cards Garmin sells for $150....), and then upload it to the Display Units. The data obviously comes from the government, but has to be massaged into GRT format by them. They've been in business selling their EIS for something like 25 years, so I am less worried about their business going under than some of the more recent companies.



That's EXACTLY the info I was looking for on the GRT.. Thanks!

Anyone have the same level of detail on the AFS?

AFS terrain information updated and available on the AFS website for download monthly. The vector and map information is also available on the website for download but is updated less frequently. Of course, you need to have purchased the map feature on the EFIS for these downloads to do you any good. The charts/approach-plates are available for purchase and downloaded from the AFS online store
AFS data

All of the databases are stored on a standard SD card inserted from the front of the EFIS.

MAP Data
With the AFS system you will have two choices for map data:

1. AFS Standard US Database, this is available from our web store and is updated every 28 days for free.

2. Purchase Jeppesen data for the AFS EFIS from Jeppesen. We have completed the software for the Jeppesen data and we are currently waiting for Jeppesen to finalize the database delivery. The Jeppesen data will be available for US, EUROPE, Australia, and New Zealand. Pricing will be handled by Jeppesen, we have been told it will be the same as other similar systems.

Approach Plates

We sell Geo Referenced (Your plane and traffic will be shown on the approach plate) approach plates on our web store, they are updated every 28 days for the US.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems