
Well Known Member
Andi and I flew south to attend the wedding of my cousin in Tenn this weekend. We planned to fly into Knoxville, but KY and TN were socked in all weekend, so we broke out plan "B" and flew into Decatur County (Indiana) International to say hello to my brother and consider options.

Trip down was great at 9500 with a wonderful 20kt tail wind. Andi slept....


I watched the midwest drift by....


We took by brother and his family to dinner and then we headed back to the airport for the best part of the trip, rides for the the niece and nephews!

Here little Evan enjoys his first plane ride:


Noah REALLY seemed to like it......


The picture with Paige did not turn out, but here is a great one she snapped of her house from the air:


We ended up driving from Greensburg to Knoxville and back in a car my brother lent to us. It was a pain, but a good decision since the WX down south was bad all weekend.

The flight home was fun trying to sort out how to work with Flight Service and ATC to get vectored thru the Obama TFR in Indy after takeoff from a non-controlled airport. The process was not perfect, but the Indy Approach guys were very reasonable and we made it all work once they realized I was not IFR (and did not need to be). All in all, the detour cost us about 30 minutes on the ride home.

Another great trip made possible by the garage built contraption.
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O2 always offered............

She likes to sleep and it is a challenge getting her to even wear a headset. Not an issue, b/c after 18 years of marriage - we can communicate telepathically. That means I do whatever she says even if I can't hear her say it:D

She likes to sleep and it is a challenge getting her to even wear a headset. Not an issue, b/c after 18 years of marriage - we can communicate telepathically. That means I do whatever she says even if I can't hear her say it:D

Now thats funny....doesn't that telepathic thing usually start with some kind of look from her.... It does in my house. I know exactlly what she is thinking, and it usually isn't anything good!!!!!