
Well Known Member
I'm going to be visiting Crossville Tenn. from Dec. 9, 2006 till the 15th,and was wondering if any fellow Rvers know of any place to put my RV-10 inside in case the weather gets bad during my stay?

From there I'll be heading to St. Paul Minn. till the 20th of Dec. any space at either of these areas will greatly be appreciated. I'm not expecting free space just secure.

Thank to all and Merry Christmas.

Like to keep this thread alive till Fri. with the hope something will come up.
With the weather unpredictable in the midwest I'm hoping.
Something that my help you in your search that helped me when I was looking for temporary shelter, is to look at the white pages of builders in the area you are searching for and give them a call. More chance of success that way. Just my .02 Good Luck. If you ever need space in central Illinois don't hesitate to give me a buzz.
Send a note to Doug Weiler, head of the Minnesota Wing of Van's Air Force. He'll send a note out to the entire wing. In the past, folks have had little trouble finding shelter from the good folks up here; and gosh knows, there's a lot of 'em.

His email is: [email protected]