
Well Known Member
"Temporary" Primer for Fiberglass?

I'm about done with the project and have come to the conclusion that painting will happen later rather than sooner. With kids and family, I've got more important priorities for the $$$ it would take, and the plane will fly just fine for a while without paint anyway. Given that it will be awhile, I'd like to prime the fiberglass parts gray just for the sake of aesthetics. But, since I have no idea what finish coat I (or somebody) will be using someday, I can't really select the "right" primer to use.

Can I just use a cheap primer that I will plan on sanding off before the real paint job? For example, I already primed the top cowl with a can of Napa 7220 and it looks great and is very easy to sand off. Probably some lacquer thinner would make even quicker work of it. Can I just continue this route and use something like the NAPA or Rustoleum primer and not put myself in a world of hurt later on down the line? What have others done here?

Thanks for any suggestions.
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I've used white lacquer on the glass parts before. Chemical removal (stripping) on glass doesn't work too well. You need something you can sand through or shoot over.
First I'd shell the glass work to kill pinholes and seal, then I'd shoot it with whatever. Something opaque would offer UV protection.
I did exactly what you want to do back with my -8 in 2005....flew for six months with gray sandable primer from Home Depot on the fiberglass parts (after filling pinholes,as Dan said), then dropped it off at the paint shop when it was time for a real finish. I have no idea what Grady did about the original primer, but he took care of it....
