
Well Known Member

There are a couple of places in the plans that direct the builder to use "temporary hardware" until final assembly. I don't have a specific reference but I've seen it in a couple of places. I went to Home Depot and asked for temporary hardware and they asked me to leave. Joking aside, what are you guys using for temporary hardware? Hardware store stuff that fits and then replacing with the real AN hardware? I don't want to use the good stuff if it's going to have to be replaced later. Thanks
I just bought a bunch of bolts and nuts at Home Depot. I use the temporary stuff to hang the elevators and rudder to adjust the eye bolts and temporarily mount the stab and rudder to the tail cone. It all comes off for painting (I want to paint before final assembly) and I will reassemble with the good hardware for final assembly.
If the temporary bolt is being used to align parts I use AN hardware. If it is just being used to hold something together I use Home Depot bolts.

Thanks guys. I'm headed to Lowes since I'm not welcome at Home Depot anymore :)

Disclaimer to Lowes or HD: I actually shop at both and prefer whichever one gives me the military discount on whatever I'm buying...hint, hint
One trick to using temporary HW is to buy a can of flourescent orange spray paint, and hit the heads and nuts with it - that way, you'll KNOW it shouldn't stay in place!