
Active Member
Hello all,

I am approaching the time to start the Elevator. Getting a little bit ahead I decided to make the templates for the Elevators and the Trim Tab. On page 9-29 of the manual it states: "NOTE: CHECK PRINTED SCALE 1:1 PER SECTION 3 BEFORE USING THE TEMPLATES!" My plans are the ones that were sent to me with my kits from Vans. When I measured the patterns, on the plans I have, they we off by about 1/4". (undersized) No big deal right? Twenty seven cents later to Office Max and I had a true 1:1 printing of the templates. Has anyone else had this issue? And on page 7-13 there are patterns for the Rudder Leading Edge. I just used the ones supplied by Vans and rolled my leading edges to conform to this pattern. Page 7-13 makes no mention to confirm 1:1 by the way, as done on page 9-29. I can not imagine that this slight difference will matter on the rolled leading edge of the rudder? Thoughts?